Watched Four Lions


I want to smell dark matter
Four Lions (2010) - IMDb

This was on tv at the weekend and I recorded it and watched it today. It was good. It was funny. I laughed at thing that happened in the movie. It was directed by Chris Morris and written by Morris and the writers of Peep Show. You'd probably like it. I'd recommend it to all my friends.


Boobie inspector
I watched up to the first advert, then taped the rest, didn't laugh that much up till then.


I want to smell dark matter
Fuck Mini Babybels!


Is this real life?
There were some funny lines (like the one about the trained rapists), but all the characters being so thick made it too slapstick style for me. It was like the Chuckle Brothers doing terrorism.


I want to smell dark matter
At the start I thought they were too thick, but I got used to the tone as it went on. And I found it quite sad in the end when Waj blew himself up, since he was obviously mentally impaired.

The "squat runs" was the funniest part.

"Rubber Dhingy Rapids bro!"