Watched Terminator Salvation


I want to smell dark matter
It was alright. Felt like it could have been longer and that more stuff could have happened. The action was pretty good (the chase scene before Chekov is captured.) The Marcus character was more interesting than John as everyone said and Chekov was much less annoying than in Star Trek. Like the Helena-Bonham Carter voice of Skynet too. The CG Arnold looked great. But it was still lacking anything to make it really good. Better than T3.

Summer Glau should have been in it.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I thought it was... alright. I mean it wasn't bad per se, it was just sort of... meh.

I mean I have this bizarre soft spot for Terminator 3 (OKAY? FUCK YOU) and I didn't think it was as good as that.

The story was pretty shit, though. I mean there was no need to see the dudes on the submarine, they didn't do anything. There was no need to have the scene at the start with Marcus and Helena Bonham-Carter because, well, it gave everything away.

I would trade it for season 3 of The Sarah Connor Chronicles any day, though.


I want to smell dark matter
ME TOO but then I'd trade your sould for another season of TSCC.

Terminator 3 wasn't TERRIBLE, I did enjoy Arnie putting on Elton John glasses because it's the kind of thing the internet would hate but I just find funny.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
See, now I liked it MUCH better than nutrek...not as much as District 9 or AVATAR, mind.

The fact that it was almost all Stan Winston (RIP) and not the computer made me feel like it was a true sequel to 80's movies...

(I know, I know: HE'S A WITCH BURN HIM! etc.)


I want to smell dark matter
Did you even see Star Trek?


I'm watching it for the first time as I type. I'm just under an hour in. The plot & story is flimsy to say the least, yet the human characters are quite good, and the action is very good indeed. It certainly looks the tits in BluRay.


I want to smell dark matter
I liked the giant robot with the motorbike knees.


Every time Chekov is mentioned in this thread I envision Walter Keonig.

Damn you nutrek! :rwmad:


I want to smell dark matter
Do you picture him naked?


Retired Account


I want to smell dark matter
Didn't think so.


Retired Account
didnt think period...