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Welcome to Kansas, 1884

The Truth

New member
Yes thats right everyones favorite christian fundamentalist regim scored a major upset against legitimate science today in Kansas, where the Bush republicans in a 6/4 vote changed the states education requirements to redefine science in order to allow Intellegent Design to be taught.

YES THATS RIGHT FOLKS 200 years of hard evidence proving our ancestors where poo flinging butfucking monkeys was wave aside by 2000 years of fiction in a book that ALSO says burning bushes can talk and people can rise from the dead.

Is there ever is to be a bird flu crisis let it be now and let it start in the midwest.
The Truth said:
YES THATS RIGHT FOLKS 200 years of hard evidence proving our ancestors where poo flinging butfucking monkeys

OMFG! You've found conclusive proof?? You've found the so-called "Missing Link"? Quick, man! Publish your findings! Reveal your discovery! You'll be rich, bitch!
Big Dick McGee said:
OMFG! You've found conclusive proof?? You've found the so-called "Missing Link"? Quick, man! Publish your findings! Reveal your discovery! You'll be rich, bitch!

Define “missing link†first fuckwit.
You really don't know what is mean by the shorthand "Missing Link"?

See, evolution is a theory. It happens to be a good theory, even a likely theory. But it's still just a theory. It's not a scientific fact, nor is it a physical "law" like those concerning gravity, etc.

In point of fact, there is no concrete evidence that hominids evolved from lesser species like simians. Thus, scientists are continually searching for that "missing link" to connect humans & simians. Once this "middle step" in the evolution of simian to hominid is found (if it's ever found), then we can begin to discuss evolution in terms of being a fact or a natural law.

Until such time, it's a theory. As is creationism.
Big Dick McGee said:
OMFG! You've found conclusive proof?? You've found the so-called "Missing Link"?

I do believe we have. He currently holds the office of President of the United States.

Chimp in a suit. :bigass:
creationism is a belief not a theory, see a theory has to have had scientific data to back it up. Creationism has absolutly no scientifically provable data. Thus it is a belief and has no buisness being taught as true science.

To make it even worse. Kansas redefined the actual term science, to take into account both natural AND unnatural causes.... meaning that not only is "ID" considered science, so is Voodoo, witch doctors, astrology, and mythology.

In a world where America already IS a laughing stock and considered to have lost its place amoung the scientific nations (to fucking CHINA of all places) the last thing we need is some hicks teaching our children that scientific fact has to take a back seat to the bible.
I agree. That which can be tested, and thereby either verified or falsified, should always be given more weight than that which is merely alleged to have happened, regardless of how hefty the number of allegations may be.


Watch me say it again:
