Well I for one am sorry Terry's been booted


Be patient till the last.
why was it so necessary? Is he the first footballer to be involved in a *GASP* sex scandle?

I am trying to understand.


I wasn't surprised. To be quite honest, he'd made his position untenable, seeing as it was an England squadmate's girlfriend. How could he be expected to lead a team, seeing as his actions had effectively drawn sides between the players?

Having said that, Rio Ferdinand is far from an inspiring choice. Gerrard would have been far more sensible, but I guess Capello wanted a defender. As for Capello, we all know he is a super strinc disciplinarian. Terry was hardly likely to get away with no punishment with Capello in charge.


Is this real life?
Seemed like the right decision to me. Let's not forget the whole "role model" angle. It's bad enough that little boys and girls look up to football players who do more playing than they do football, we shouldn't be normalising that behaviour and rewarding them by keeping them as team captains and representatives of our country.

Uh, but they can still play for us if they're really good!!


beer, I want beer
Lol he sniped his buddy's girlfriend and got punted? Jesus, here in America he'd have to have killed her, dismembered her, and sold pictures of it on the internet before they'd consider a suspension, and even if he got fired they'd have a job for him with the Raiders...


I want to smell dark matter
I think the England team should be made entirely of players who have slept with Ulrika Johnson.


beer, I want beer
If it gets me a spot I'll do her.


Be patient till the last.
yeah, but Rio's off with a four-game suspension right now for "violent behaviour"
There's a good role model!!

I was surprised that Stevie G wasn't #2..in fact, I thought he was...did that change under Capello too?

we're SURE Capello isnt secretly working for the Azzuri, right???!!! :(


I suppose Gerrard did kick the shit out of that DJ, which was on CCTV, but he still got off last year. Ferdinand was also banned for 8 months for missing a drugs test, and Lampard also walked out on his wife for another bird.

Which is the answer we all know: No footballer should be seen as a role model!


Be patient till the last.

p.s. 'sides, up here I miss out on all the gossip anyway...didnt know that about Lamps.
The dog.


Staff member
Capello made the right choice. Terry fucked up big time on this one. Screwing his supposed friend and team mates girlfriend, getting her pregnant and then paying for an abortion is pretty fucking bad. All while he's married with kids of course.

Ultimately how does Capello play Wayne Bridge and John Terry in the same back four now? I don't see how it's going to work. John Terry is England's best CB so Wayne Bridge is in for even more unwarranted punishment by potentially losing his England spot when Terry is playing.

This is not someone who can captain the side. He has to instil confidence and TRUST in the players and he's fucked that up.

I actually think Rio will do fine in the role if he can stay fit and Gerrard will be more than capable after him. All footballers are fucking cunts but Terry shit on his own doorstep and also forced Capello to fly back early from his Swiss mansion.

He wasn't going to get a pat on the back. Terry is still a massive component of our England squad but a captain he aint.



beer, I want beer
If they stay on the same team it might lead to the first ever red card during team warmups...


Should Bridge decide to retire, it wouldn't be a great surprise though. Ashley Cole is easily the better left back, and travelling around the world to warm a bench is not everyone's idea of fun, let alone do it alongside the man that screwed your missus.


Be patient till the last.
^that's who's wife Terry boinked!?!?!
you guys need to link me to the gossip pages. I'm missing so much!

but I digress.

Menty, I cant agree that Terry aint a captain. John T is a leader - he may not live up to the Italian coach's high moral standards, (and it is not my place to condone or condem) but he is a leader. But that's just MHO.


Just go to www.newsoftheworld.co.uk and you'll get all the dirt you need. Just take into consideration that only the basic details are factual. They reckon he's had about 300 million women, or something.


Staff member
Menty, I cant agree that Terry aint a captain. John T is a leader - he may not live up to the Italian coach's high moral standards, (and it is not my place to condone or condem) but he is a leader. But that's just MHO.

I just don't see how he can captain England after doing this. There are a number of the England squad who will be loyal to Wayne Bridge and not be best pleased at what JT did and then there is the question of how the two of them can play together. Yes, Ashley Cole is the better LB but if he gets a knock it's WB's job to replace him.

He has shattered not only certain players confidence in him -including the boss- but the nations as well.


Be patient till the last.
^^thanks, C.

well, fair enough Menty, I hear what you're saying.... the whole thing is a damn shame, that's for sure. England doesnt need division like this in a Cup year.


Staff member
I definitely would of disagreed with him being ousted as Chelsea captain since that is an entirely different kettle of fish. But for the national team I think he painted himself in to a corner with this one.

Is the door closed on him ever being England captain again? I don't think so but I think it was the right decision to strip him of the armband.

Look what Gallas did when he criticised some of the Arsenal players winning mentality. He was stripped of the armband and it was given to Fabregas. Since then Gallas is in the form of his life.

Maybe it will be a good thing for Terry since now he can just knuckle down and concentrate on his on pitch performances and win the nation back that way.

I tell you what, if he comes back with the Cup from South Africa he can have a free for all on the entire nations wives for all I care. :D