We're Deepening Our Alliance


Is what Obama kept repeating.

He did well trying to kiss ass & impress the ozzies, he is very popular here & the soldiers are happy & psyched, so that's a good thing
He's also an entertaining speaker, a little charismatic & its nice he chose to visit; but 'im super pissed at what he is doing here & his new military base.
If the Arabs haven't been able to get rid of the military base next to Mecca there is no way Oz will get rid of this base...its permanent.

Our soldiers are slick mofo's who have been executed in the past for refusing to follow orders which are unethical, there is a history of paying with their blood to uphold ethics on the battlefield & this allegiance is going to corrupt our military & fuck our reputation.

Because of China's development & the relationship Oz has wit them, the US is muscling in on the action & establishing its agenda in the pacific.
Its fucking creepy.

Sure sux to be Australia


Elder Statesman
Yep. Soon you'll be just like Wisconsin.


Yeah, apparently there is a war with China looming...looming like a mushroom cloud over the stars.

I am interested in how the US is going to generate $ with a new war when the previous one hasn't yet stopped fucking the local economy, the euro is destabilising the remaining global economics, the city of London has cut its golden umbilical cord to the UK & Russia, China & India are the global strong & stable.
While @ home, Obama waves his charisma wand over the capitalist masses, who have awoken to their nightmare of the next 10 years of their wages being taken by throw away debt, their $600,000 grossly inflated mortgage is worth nothing & cannot be paid on their shrinking wage....ever, all the while being unable to withstand the towering, consumerist dictator who continues the credit chant jingle, which is no longer intoxicating.

Since the 2008 GFC no stable ground has been gained, only 'certain pools of funds' have been moved & morphed into other 'certain pools of funds' for safe keeping; along with the subtle re-shaping of the oil rich regions of the globe, a few funded revolutions & a tightening of global trade & resources.

I appreciate the angle, although it's a primitive & grossly incompetent presentation of rule which serves only to pave its own path, increasingly feeding only its own belly & eventually using the skulls of the corpses it sucked life from as its materials for further advancement.

So....war with China here we come, I wonder what colour and shape this new toy will assume.
Will it be the colour of Uranium & taste like wheat & beef?