What AmeriKKKa Be Like Onze Obma Be Made King!

Cracky X

New Member
HAR HAR HAR...I can't wait unti Obama be made de King o' America. It be nuttin' but fat checks from de gubberment, an huge sacks o' crack an 40's! Har HAR HAR! And we be running trains on de whiye wimminz and rape dem in front of der crackah hubbands!
I'm going to laugh real hard 'cuz you honkeys are so dumb, you be electin' him King! Don'tt you pale debils realize dat when he be King, we be gettin' our revenge on de white debil?
An yo' crackah azzezz bedder not shoot King Obama, or dat will force us to not only rape de honkey wimmin but alzo burn dere houses and trow white debil babeez in de air and catch dem on our knives. An dat will beez all yo' fault fo' shooting King Obama!
Personally, I needz an excuze to riot zo I can pay de dopeman off. So go ahead white debil man, Crack X be needin' an excuse to burn down yo' mansions, rape yo' women and steal yer shit. HAR HAR HAR!


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Obama aint gone be nuttin but a talkin head jus leik all da rest of dim old presidents

He aint gone be runnin nuffin... nuffin but hes big ol mouf :hmmm:


Hillary will have that cupcakeer offed inside of February.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
HAR HAR HAR...I can't wait unti Obama be made de King o' America. It be nuttin' but fat checks from de gubberment, an huge sacks o' crack an 40's! Har HAR HAR! And we be running trains on de whiye wimminz and rape dem in front of der crackah hubbands!
I'm going to laugh real hard 'cuz you honkeys are so dumb, you be electin' him King! Don'tt you pale debils realize dat when he be King, we be gettin' our revenge on de white debil?
An yo' crackah azzezz bedder not shoot King Obama, or dat will force us to not only rape de honkey wimmin but alzo burn dere houses and trow white debil babeez in de air and catch dem on our knives. An dat will beez all yo' fault fo' shooting King Obama!
Personally, I needz an excuze to riot zo I can pay de dopeman off. So go ahead white debil man, Crack X be needin' an excuse to burn down yo' mansions, rape yo' women and steal yer shit. HAR HAR HAR!

You're about 6 years to late. Bush and his cabinet have already helped corporate America rape the publc, steal our homes and financially bankrupt the country.

Come on, you don't REALLY believe we'd put a brutha in the White house if there was anything left to steal, did you?