What are the best ultimatums

Get the split splam spiletty sploof before Clinton drops the funk bomb inside Putin's nose purple monkey dishwasher.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Fuck you in the neck.

Deeply and repeatedly.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Shut up, JackDancer. No one gives a shit about your feeble attempts at trolling.


Sinless and Purrfect
LOL :pop:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'm intrigued. Please tell me more about neck fucking.:snack:

Neck fucking? That's easy. You hold the victims head and force your cock deeply and repeatedly down their epiglottis.

Uh oh, I've had too much wine and am having too much fun. We are celebrating my birfday with a big cookout and I'm eating steak and corn on the cob and roasted peppers and lots of Dynamite Merlot.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Plus I love everyone but Elrod and asshole Hero.


The best ever, in terms of irony is STILL HeroicFool's.

I am a veteran of the armed forces and of a war.

I would turn you inside out.

Name a time and place.

Aimed at Messenger after the fake-death bollocks / Sadi whines bollocks a few years back (now deleted, sadly).

Jack's Dad

New Member
Neck fucking? That's easy. You hold the victims head and force your cock deeply and repeatedly down their epiglottis.

Uh oh, I've had too much wine and am having too much fun. We are celebrating my birfday with a big cookout and I'm eating steak and corn on the cob and roasted peppers and lots of Dynamite Merlot.

All while posting? True talent sir!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Except cocksucking tends to be an activity that both parties consent to.
Neck fucking, not so much by the fuckee.
You didn't bring a laptop with you? Jack posted here during his birthday party... now that's dedication!