Troll Kingdom

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What do you do for a living?

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
What is your day job; how do you support yourself; what is your livelihood; etc; etc.

I'm working at a museum, in a media-tech capacity. I'm new to it (recent career shift from a dying trade) and still learning the ropes.
That's what he's been insisting since I accidently caught him buying them on eBay. This isn't a troll,'s the truth :bigass:
missmanners said:
I do audits and investigations.

I cause trouble. They pay me to do it and I enjoy my work.

Actually, I yank 16 lawyers around by the nose and make them think I work for them.
I used to be a pokemon trainer, till I got fired for animal abuse :(

Now I work for an underground "bill collecting service" thats run by an Italian guy with a club foot named Vito :shock:
Education and the like. Though that's just to keep food on the table and the lights on. Writing's what I most enjoy, and hope to do exclusively one day soon.
