What if the U.S. had never bought Alaska from Moscow?


Un Banned
And Alaska stayed part of Old Russia/the late Soviet Union/Present Russia right up until today? How would that have affecfed & changed things? Aside from Canada bordering the late Soviet Union.


New Member
Never mind.


New Member
Aquehonga: Brits would most likely have invaded & annexed it yes? Today be a Canadian territory?
Yeah, when you offer a fantasy scenario like this it's hard to say. What if Germany was in the shape of a donut? What if Russia, by some strange twist of fate, annexed every other American state to create a strange checkered map? What if this arrangement survived until the modern day? Would the White House be half Kremlin-shaped?

Meaningless question.


Un Banned
^ We're living in a What if? "fantasy" scenario anyway. In some parallel timeline/alternate universe there's a counterpart of mine on GnomeQueendom.net asking a What if? about something that's reality here & your counterpart is probably having the same reaction.

It doesn't matter anyway.

It all comes out in the wash!


New Member
It's unlikely the Bolsheviks would have been able to seize Alaska. In fact, didn't they consider selling Kamchatka to the US? What sort of scenario do you envision?

Russians would flee from Alaska to Canada. But the Russia would have even more natural resources from Alaska and the US would be poorer. Alaska would have represented a grave threat to the US during the Cold War. Maybe the USSR wouldn't have collapsed so early, or, horror of horrors, at all. It's a complex web with no definitive answers.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
I'd buy Kamchatka and turn it into a geothermal paradise. Hordes of the bereft, unsheltered & squirming overpopulation of Earth would try to rend our volcanic citadel from us, sending in wave after wave to flush us out of our tunnels --to no avail.

That reminds me, 'though...wasn't Kamchatka the place in Risk that it was always impossible to hold onto...or am I thinking of Australia?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
I'd buy Kamchatka and turn it into a geothermal paradise. Hordes of the bereft, unsheltered & squirming overpopulation of Earth would try to rend our volcanic citadel from us, sending in wave after wave to flush us out of our tunnels --to no avail.

That reminds me, 'though...wasn't Kamchatka the place in Risk that it was always impossible to hold onto...or am I thinking of Australia?

You could turtle up Australia pretty effectively by massing units in Indonesia. Kamchatka was a breeze to hold, provided you kept the rest of Asia secure - that was a task. With open borders to five continents, you're going to be fighting everybody.


Wat if the US didn't exist.. glorious


Disappointed Visitor
Wat if the US didn't exist.. glorious

For the sake of stirring the pot, I will make a suggestion that I made on WF before The Great Departure:

What if, instead of declaring themselves independent, the States which eventually came to form the Confederacy instead called a Constitutional Convention and introduced an amendment to separate those States from the Union? Further, what if the amendment had passed due to heroic political wheeling and dealing in Congress and some of the Northern states?

North American would be a much different place with Canada, the USA, the CSA, and Mexico.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
I believe I can partially answer that: The inbred stupidity that seems to pervade American culture would be confined to CSA, leaving the USA with perhaps a stronger culture and mindset. On the other hand, there's no telling what effect this would have had on the development of American music, particularly in jazz and its subsequent offshoots, including rock etc.


New Member
For the sake of stirring the pot, I will make a suggestion that I made on WF before The Great Departure:

What if, instead of declaring themselves independent, the States which eventually came to form the Confederacy instead called a Constitutional Convention and introduced an amendment to separate those States from the Union? Further, what if the amendment had passed due to heroic political wheeling and dealing in Congress and some of the Northern states?

North American would be a much different place with Canada, the USA, the CSA, and Mexico.
Since Lincoln was such a tyrant I doubt he would have permitted that to happen. But if it did, and without getting into stuff like the World Wars and the Cold War and impossible-to-predict pivotal moments which radically alter the course of history, I'd say it'd be easier for the Old World to control the New World by playing both sides against one another.


beer, I want beer
By the way, you dumb fucks, your dumb ancestors would have purchased Alaska from ST. PETERSBURG, not fucking MOSCOW, you fucking dumb fucks. Fucking education in the USA, it is but a fucking JOKE.