What is the Point?


I love you
We get into a vehicle for one reason. To drive. If it can't drive, I don't want to sit inside and pretend it moves. I don't want to sit inside and take pictures. I don't want to talk about how it could move one day. No. I don't want in the vehicle at all.

Call me when it runs.

Am I a bitch? Note, it may not be thier vehicle that isn't running, it could be mine. Dead on the side of the road, but don't offer to come sit in my vehicle with me until it is running, no just go away until it does run. Please.
There really is no other choice. A vehicle may have been the wrong analagy in this instance.
They want the allusion that things have the ability to change but they don't really want to change anything.
I understand it completely. That's why if they have personal problems, I send them back to their SO's.
Date/fuck guys with less personal problems.

Why was that so hard to understand?

I understand it completely. That's why if they have personal problems, I send them back to their SO's.

I am the one with the personal problems. I am the one who could not fuck for a couple days and he is like, "Want to go to the movies?" Me, "No" LOL. If I can't fuck you, I don't want to see you.

Anyway, problem resolved, the vehicle started, then we drove on the shoulder for a few miles and then opened up the throttle nice and wide.

My vehicle said it shouldn't be run it and I said, "Fuck it baby, you are running"

Fuck You Car! I didn't buy you to park it on the side of the road! You are driving every day and you are going to like it.