Troll Kingdom

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What the holy hackety fuck?

Sendell said:
You're obviously MM's dual.

I am NOT mm's dual. The administrators know who I am, all they have to do is check the IPs. Unlike the rest of you guys in "hiding"......I don't use proxies. You know why????? This is why.

Proxy Program Customer Service

Customer Service Informer (CSI): Proxy Programs, how may I help you??

JillianBacardi: I need to buy a program because GrandTheftCow and CoyoteUgly tried to teach me how to do proxy's manually but it is too hard and my computer won't do what it is supposed to do.

CSI: Why do you think you need a proxy program.

JillianBacardi: So I can sneak back on TrollKingdom.

CSI: You don't want them to know who you are?? Did you do something wrong?

JillianBacardi: Yes, I got a criminal record over there.

CSI: I see. We have three good programs for beginners.
1. Hide your Ass
2. Hide Yo Ass from the IRS
3. Hide Your Ass from criminals

JillianBacardi: Do you have a program that combines the Hide your Ass from the IRS and criminals??

CSI: Lets try the Deluxe program, it is $49.95.

JillianBacardi: OK

*CSI sends Jillian a program through the internet with instructions on how to download the program on your compooter*

One Week Later..........

CSI: Customer Proxy Service

JillianBacardi: Hey, this is sold me a Fity dollar program and it isn't working.

CSI: How do you know.

JillianBacardi: I tried to sneak back onto TrollKingdom and they knew it was me and wouldn't let me in.

CSI: You downloaded the program didn't you?

Jillian: Yep.

CSI: Ok, lets did blahblahblah.........then you did this, then that, then you double click and right click andleftclickandgotoaboxthenhighlightthengobackthengoforwardthen.....

*JillianBacardi's eyes glaze over and she thinks about going to the local country store to buy a moon pie*

CSI: If you did everything on the instructions, it should work.

JillianBacardi: Do you like moon pies?? I did everything you said.

CSI: Did you go to the site we recommended to load proxy numbers in the left side of the program field??

JillianBacardi: huh?

CSI: You have to load numbers in the program before it will work.


CSI: Hello??

JillianBacardi: I thought this was supposed to be easy, that is why I paid fity bucks.

CSI: it is easy.

JillianBacardi: that is what all you computer guys say. I don't want it, now my compooter is screwed up.

*Jillian slams down the phone*