The Legendary Troll King
This week we are reviewing that timeless classic the Penguin. If you think that you can't remember a time before Penguins you'd be right, unless your older than seventy, or you have lousy memory. The Penguin is the flag ship chocolate covered biscuit bar of the mighty McVities, and has been a yardstick by which other chocolate covered biscuits bars are measured, and they've been making them since 1932. These days Penguins come wrapped in their own little sachet, but I think I prefered them in the composite foil grease proof paper wrap of yesteryear.
Now there are many people to whom it has occured that the Penguin is nothing more than a chocolate covered bourbon biscuit. Its not. The texture of the biscuits is altogether different being crisper and less dense. The chocolate cream filling is also much paler. The covering of milk chocolate is quite thin and yet registers as the main ingredient in the Penguin. In the Pengiun we see once again a biscuit that must be enjoyed as a whole, as analysis of its components does not convey its charm.
In recent years we've seen Mint and Orange Penguins, and Penguin cake bars. The flavoured ones aren't too bad, but the cake thing is all a bit degrading really. Now McVities are making some kind of dipping version of the Penguin called a flipper or something. Leave it out McVities, this is like getting your Granny up to dance to the latest choons at a wedding disco, its no way to treat your elders.
According to McVite's web site the factory in Manchester that builds Penguins makes over 40,000 of them a MINUTE!! Now I've done some quick calculations and that's enough Penguins laid end to end in a year to go to the moon and back 4 times. So there we are, that's space exploration taken care of, we just need use earth based biscuit propulsion units.