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what's the point of NOT being in bed?


I want to smell dark matter
it'st he sbest place to be

just sleep

sleep your life awy

worry for another day

if you don't wake up what's the differece

are you even you when you wake up

your stream of consciousness is broken

so you're just a relaunch

just memories

and pattersn

illusion of conscioussness


your thoughts are not under your control

how can you choose what to think?

you have to think both things first

where do they come from


it's ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff


just sleep

it's better

might dream

might not

who cares

it's over
If I could have a bed at work, I surely would. I really want them to create a truly automatic car, with a bed, so I can sleep on my way to work.
The best thing about sleeping is having dreams. Take Tylenol PM or Nyquil before you go to sleep, it'll give you bizarre dreams...psycho dreams!! At least it does for me. I just had a dream the other night (actually evening) where the mental patients (guys/girls) kept waking up in the middle of the night & sneaking into each others rooms & I couldn't control the situation cause there was sooooo many patients...and they kept multiplying & no other staff would help me.:(

Then there was a yard & a fence & the patients were frolicking about with these fench hopping people! I tried to go into every patient room & seperate everyone & tell them they should be in their OWN rooms & sleeping. Then I discovered sliding doors inbetwen the rooms that were not locked & boys were sneaking into the girls rooms, drinking, smoking, having sex...& I was soooo stressed out cause I couldn't control the situation & I feared I would get fired!:(

My dreams when taking sleep aids seem so real & crazy! I kinda like it that's a trip when I wake up & realize it was just a stupid dream & I realize life is actually less hectic in the real world.

I used to have lucid dreams years ago. I miss that cause I could do ANYTHING in my dreams cause I knew it was NOT real & I would wake up eventually. I can't lucid anymore...don't know why.:(

I guess the moral of this story is...if I were lucid, I'd have joined in on the fun & wouldn't have been so uptight or concerned for anyones well being.