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What's Up with the DOJ??


New member
What's all the hullaballoo over at the DOJ, White House and House/Senate?? They are all acting like something really BIG is getting ready to go down but nobody is saying what it is???
They are throwing around words like loyal public servant, I will block any subpoena's for Karl Rove, we will meet you in a pub for an informal interview but we don't want to go on the record, lieslieslies, Criminal obstruction of Justice, Constitutional Rights violations, U.S. Attorney's being told to drop certain criminal investigations into wrongdoing, left vs right, right vs wrong, Dubya getting all hot and bothered about something he doesn't know about but he doesn't want his closest advisors to answer any questions, Will this go to the Supreme Court?, should they form a special committee to see if polictics factors into all of this stuff?, illegal aliens, voter fraud, more lies.........We think the American people have a right to know how their government has been lying to them.

Nobody has mentioned anything about the IP numbers of if prisoners in prison have internet access.

It's all in the have to hit them hard when they don't have anything else HOT on their plate. I started in Nov. '05............fired a second round mid-Jan................kept up a slow, steady pace everyday for the last two months.
WHY, WHY, WHY??? why is it that everytime I try to get them to do something in my case something else comes up??? Like the DOJ being investigated???? I have been hitting them pretty hard with my reports the last two months.
I almost sent a copy to Alberto Gonzales since he is in charge of cybercrime but then I changed my mind.
I'm glad I didn't send him a copy would have been a waste of paper, ink and postage.
I have been trickling info to the federal law enforcement agencies for the last 6 months...............I have really been hitting the FBI hard. I wrote on My last report to them in January.............

Here is an update of a report I have been sending you for the last year. Let me know how much more you need.
Then I started emailing them on their "Report Fraud or cybercrime"..........when they wouldn't answer I started sending the same report every week until they finally blocked my IP number.
I told them just to send it back if they thought it was spam cause I didn't need to add "Harrassment of the FBI by a TrollKingdom Troll" to my rap sheet.
I think they do!! I bet a lot of them probably know who I am!!! I always like to tell them my real name is............but I go by JillianBacardi.
I have a HOT TIP for you guys that I think falls in your investigative field of expertise.

Have you heard they are going to call some of those guys before Congress to testify??
I sent a quick note in the mail today telling them to remember me and my case when they go before Congress!!! Just think.................OperationJillianBacardi. If you need another copy of my report, unblock my IP and I will email another copy.
Sure.........I can be a little annoying and I can be a pest..........but I am a whistleblower and that is what you are soliciting...........Blowers!! I'm just the woman you need!
I have picked up several cigarette butts out of my yard in the last three weeks that don't belong to me. A few of them have appeared in my back yard, the side of the house where my dogs shit.............the last two weeks it has been noticeable and my neighbors don't smoke so its not like they are flipping them over the fence.
Just so ya know................I am on to you guys. I have placed a camera in a strategic location of my neighbors house to monitor any activity.
Smile for me dad..............
Let me see ya Grill..........
You want to see my what?


You guys will never get over me...................

When will you learn?