When I realize I amount to nothing in life...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Someone should kill you.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I knew this kid in high school. We smoked pot and got cosmic about Madman Across The Water/Tumbleweed Connection (especially Daniel) when we got high. Then he took acid and never got over it. I took acid a few years later and got permanent erection ability in real time.

You remind me of my friend Aque.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I wish you would come out. I think we could be real friends.


BRADFORD, England (CBS/AP) Stephen Griffiths, the British man who admitted to shooting his prostitute victims in the head with a crossbow before dismembering and eating them was sentenced to life in prison Tuesday, according to several British news reports.

Griffiths, 40, who called himself "The Crossbow Cannibal," pleaded guilty to murdering Susan Rushworth, 43, Shelley Armitage 31, and Suzanne Blamires, 36, the U.K. Daily Guardian reports.

Griffiths was caught when a building supervisor spotted him in the act on closed circuit television in Bradford, near the city of Leeds, in northern England, the Guardian reports.

"[The supervisor] saw an image of someone on the third floor dragging a person into flat 33," prosecutor Robert Smith said.

Shortly afterwards, a woman ran from the apartment and fell to the floor, the Guardian reports. Griffiths shot her with a crossbow as she lay on the floor, and dragged her into the flat by a leg. Griffiths allegedly "toasted" the death by raising a canned beverage to the closed circuit security camera, the U.K. daily Telegraph reports.

Police believe Griffiths might also be responsible for three unsolved murders after he indicated in an interview that he had killed six women in total, the Telegraph reports.

He claimed he had cooked and eaten parts of his first two victims, boiling one in a pot, and ate the third one raw, the Telegraph reports.

The prosecutor said Griffiths had admitted to killing Blamires in the flat and dismembering her by hand. He apparently used power tools on the other victims, the Telegraph reports.

Griffiths told police he had "cut himself off from society" and a "civil war" was going on in his head, the Telegraph reports.

The prosecutor also told the court 81 different pieces of Ms Blamires were found in or by the River Aire in Shipley. A broken knife and a crossbow bolt were embedded in her severed head, the Telegraph reports.

According to neighbors and his Myspace page, Griffiths had an advanced degree in psychology, and was studying towards a Ph.D. in criminology, with a focus on homicide and serial killers, the Daily Mail reports.


Cannibals often report that human meat is vry sweet & they say it like its the best meat ever.

ya think human meat rly is sweet?
Or are cannibals saying it sweet beoz its sweet to them becoz they r cannibals & crossed a line & r different nao & love the taste?