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Where is the Death Threat thread Menalist started about me?


New member
Mentalist?? You do know I reported it to law enforcement in TN, not that it mattered, but I also reported it to GoDaddy's Bob Parson and his legal people.

Fuck you JEWBOY..............unfit father.
How can that be??? If she is MentalCase..........she is the one who started death threads against me, she was one of the worst people on this board to me.

On a different note, this mexican chick who lives across the street from me.......the one whose yard looks like the slum, who is devaluing everyone elses property, whose garage is stuff so FULL of crap that isn't even in boxes or anything............I think she has sex with old guys. *shudders* it is really gross!! Some of my neighbors said they used to call the police over there cause some of the boyfriends would get in fights with each other or they would cause public disturbances.

She doesn't seem to be working anymore.
DarthSikle said:
Is the mexican chick hot?
NO..........she looks ridden hard and put away wet, kind of like Dawn. I tried to say Hi to her once when I moved here but she acted like I was the enemy or something so I haven't tried to be nice since then. All of my other neighbors are nice. On the downside, bodyguard, has moved. He was the nicest one of all because you NEVER saw this guy but you knew he was there.......just in case.
The Mexicans used to drive by to set off his car alarm on a daily basis, they did it on purpose but he never lost his cool. It started pissing me off cause I knew they were harassing him.
DarthSikle said:
How much did she charge?
Charge?? Lets put it this way wouldn't touch her if she was free.

On the other hand, the Hispanic lady who lives beside me is very attractive, she is also married to a Hot guy who is 10-15 years her junior.
The black dancer who lives behind me, who is the classiest woman I have met around here, who has an equally classy would jump in a heartbeat.
and by dancer, I'm not talking pole dancer...............I am talking trained ballerina who teaches children ballet, tap, hip-hop, fun stuff. Clean.
Goes to show you skin color has nothing to do with it. My neighbors who live behind me are black, highly-educated, hardworking, decent people who are trying to make a Positive difference in this world. Even though I didn't know them very well, I asked them if they would take care of my dogs when I was away and felt so bad when Sissy got sick........but she took care of the problem, didn't complain, told me to have a good time with my sister. She is a WONDERFUL mother, he is a loving father to their precious little girl.
Then you have Dawnee the white person who sleeps with married men, is married herself, smokes pot with her kid who is under the age of 18 in the apt.

You tell me who the nigga is.
^^If your name is Jack Burden, you live in Lakeway and you own the Iquana Grill on the lake............then yes. That must have been some good stuff you guys were smoking.

jack said:
Who's Dawn?

Dawn.......the realtor from Coldwell Banker.........the married woman you were having sex with. Remember?? Were you guys smoking some of that purple stuff?? e-gads...........maybe I should have smoked some of it but I was already terrified of what you two were going to do next.