OK I've got a firewall installed, and we're going to strip it down and start from scratch. That means the original blue skin will be back. Most of the vulnerabilities that have been exploited have worked there way through the skins folder, it's because of the way the freeware works. I'm on the verge of upgrading to UBB to stop all this BS but we'll see if i cant get the freeware working properly again.
Should be finished in a day or two. No more co-admins once I get this thing running again, going to be a more cloistered community since the "guests" look like the ones that want to lurk irresponsibly.
You will need to register to access the site once it's up again, shouldnt affect traffic since as far as I can tell no guest has done anything but try to have the site crash. Go figure.
I'll keep you all posted from here. Please try to keep the chatter about this at a minimum at other boards, k? Going to be some fireworks once it's back up, I'm sure.