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Which One is Different? IQ Test


Forever Empress E


Two fools went out and bought two horses.
Immediately, they began to worry over how they would tell their horses apart, and thought on it for days.

Finally, one fool came up with the bright idea to notch his horse's ear.
That worked for awhile until the second fool's horse's ear was notched on a barbed wire fence.

The two fools racked their brains to come up with another way to tell their horses apart. This time, the first fool decided to bob his horse's tail.
That was another fine solution until one day the second fool's horse's tail was bobbed in a freak accident involving a gate.

The second fool thought it was his turn to come up with a permanent solution to their problem of being able to tell their horses apart. He measured his horse and the other fool's horse. Turned out the first fool's white horse was 2 hands taller than the second fool's black horse.
Baby bull is injured. Mama bull and papa bull, although far apart and far away, are an equal distance from baby bull. Which one will baby bull run to?

You are driving a bus. The bus stops to pick up passengers in Muskogee - 6 men and 5 women. More passengers are picked up in Butte - 3 men and 7 women. On the last stop, 1 male passenger and 3 female passengers are picked up. All the passengers have at least one large bag to stow and one small bag to carry on the bus. All of the passengers are going to New Jersey. How old is the bus driver?

A rooster is sitting on top of a barn with a slanted roof. It is Tuesday, high noon, the sun directly overhead, and the wind is blowing from the north at 30 mph. What side of the roof - north or south - will the egg roll down?

A plane crashes right in the middle of the American/Canadian border. Which country will be responsible for the burial of the survivors?