While Driving. More Sit Down


I love you
(Or Stand Up) Actually

But really not

Today in school I was chosen to give a presentation for my group. I didn't have the cover sheet on the thumb drive I was using to present and instead taped a cover sheet to the wall.

It made everyone laugh.

It felt good.

LOL WTF I wasn't even trying tho.


I love you
Also, while driving home after class I thought I would go to the local coffee shop that does open mic on Tuesdays.
As I drive (1/2 hour to hour long commutes) I often come up with comedy routines and tonight I thought for sure I would get up on stage.
I chickened out. It was really weird. But really I just got distracted and wanted to talk to my friends instead. Someone asked if I was going to do comedy and I said no.

But then as soon as I got into my car-I remembered all of my jokes.



I want to smell dark matter
You should do comedy in disguise as a man.


I want to smell dark matter
A male parrot.