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Who Is Captain Wacky??


New member
I thought he was that crazy chick who does YouTube videos but then I realized his fantasies about Natalie Portman and thought he is either a horny young guy or a lesbian.

Either way.........he has always been one of my favorite people so whoever his girlfriend is....................please give him human contact because he is afraid he is going to die!!!

Help him GIT over his fear of death and having his head fall off and wondering what his existance is for and all that crazy stuff he posts. Some of it is funny!! I always like to read his stories.
Captain Wacky.........I know this wasn't for me.........I LOVE YOU!!!!! YOU WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART.............ALWAYS!!! you are such a special man.

It seems strange that my life should end in such a terrible place, but for three years I had roses and apologized to no one. I shall die here. Every inch of me shall perish. Every inch, but one. An inch. It is small and it is fragile and it is the only thing in the world worth having. We must never lose it or give it away. We must NEVER let them take it from us. I hope that whoever you are, you escape this place. I hope that the worlds turns, and that things get better. But what I hope most of all is that you understand what I mean when I tell you that, even though I do not know you, and even though I may never meet you, laugh with you, cry with you, or kiss you, I love you. With all my heart, I love you.
The UK'ers were the most fun too!! I also knew if I pissed them off it wouldn't be as easy for them to GIT me!! It would be too much trouble to buy a plane ticket, take the time off work and everything.

There was one guy who had a twin on there or something cause they had two different names but looked exactly alike. I emailed both of them and linked the pics and said........"either you guys are twins or you are pulling some kind of good troll! Good Job!!"
one of them winked at me after that.

Then there was the 45 year old guy who wanted girls in their 20's and I was like.........."What do you think you are going to do with a girl in her 20's??? PERV"
he didn't answer.

Then there was a midget on there........YEP! I emailed him and said......"I think it is discriminatory of not to have a midget site!! They have one for gays so why not midgets?? You should file a complaint"

he didn't answer.
Gagh said:
I don't think he's into guys.
Oh...........there is NO doubt in mind mind he is totally into the women!!! He had all kinds of dates.........he would tell me about them. I think he finally found someone but I haven't talked to him since I moved to Texas.
This man is like a fine wine...........he was getting more handsome with age!!! The women were most definitely digging on him.

And for all the 20 year old girls out there...............his two sons where quite HOT! all my friends in TN thought all of them were HOT!