whisky Boobie inspector Aug 13, 2006 #1 No wonder the admiral lead them all into a trap check this out Sith is an anagram of shit Another word for shit is crap crap is an anagram of carp Carp is a type of fish Akbar looks like a fish Therefor Akbar is a Sith, thank you, and goodnight
No wonder the admiral lead them all into a trap check this out Sith is an anagram of shit Another word for shit is crap crap is an anagram of carp Carp is a type of fish Akbar looks like a fish Therefor Akbar is a Sith, thank you, and goodnight
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Aug 13, 2006 #2 YES and remember when he shot Yoda in the balls too, truly the actions of a sith lord.
D DarthSikle GFHH Moderator Aug 14, 2006 #6 but that deleted scene from episode 4 where padme and leia got it on would mean leia did it with her mom. almost as bad as where in Dallas, Lucy did it with Ray Krebbs who 4 seasons later was discovered to be half a ewing and therefore her half uncle.
but that deleted scene from episode 4 where padme and leia got it on would mean leia did it with her mom. almost as bad as where in Dallas, Lucy did it with Ray Krebbs who 4 seasons later was discovered to be half a ewing and therefore her half uncle.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Aug 14, 2006 #7 I think doing it with your mother is worse than doing it with your half uncle.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Aug 14, 2006 #9 I suppose you've already been in her once...