Why ALL Republicans disgust me?

Simple, they insist on being ignorant to the fact that the 1% of Americans who control wealth in this country have increased in monetary gain by 275% since 1979 and a big portion of the rest have sunk to near poverty levels.

Why do the rich keep getting richer??

Republicans in Congress are criminal beasts who should be prosecuted & put to DEATH!!!

The Congressional system no longer works, when will a mass reform take place??

These people picketing Wall Street will basically go ignored & the Republicans will not flinch. The U.S. populace are basically brain dead idiots who wouldn't know they had a big toe on each foot unless they heard it first on FOX news!!

Hard to believe we have bred a society of inept butt tards!!

LOL, i am a Republican, ok...I VOTE "NO"...LOL!!!!???

WTF?!!!???...yep, makes no fuckin' sense!!!

I could rape a nun & Republicans would say it was ok if I didn't tax the 1% wealthy in the U.S. of A!!!!!!!

It pisses me off to NO END when people vote Rebublican and enable these RETARDS to have an ounce of power in our Congress. But yet...here we are...and look, NOTHING is getting done??? YES!!