Inquiring minds are curious about your nickname?
My guess is his penchant for cleaning it off after his top is finished.
Boy howdy I'll say. He's like a poop hoover after the fact.
I'm curious about that too, "stevie baby"
The lack of response is pretty tell-tale, I'd say.
Inquiring minds are curious about your nickname?
My guess is his penchant for cleaning it off after his top is finished.
Boy howdy I'll say. He's like a poop hoover after the fact.
I'm curious about that too, "stevie baby"
The lack of response is pretty tell-tale, I'd say.
Which Steve are you refering too. Steve Bissette, Steve (charles) Cambee, Steve Hogan or Steve (stone cold) Austin
I'm curious about that too, "stevie baby"
The lack of response is pretty tell-tale, I'd say.
Even funnier nowFunny thread.
Funny thread.