Why bother with a 9mm when you can have a .40S&W or a .45?

whisky said:
Real men use 50 cal.

A .50 caliber is impracticle for a hand gun since it would be more like a hand cannon that can screw up your arm. ;) I've never seen a .50 cal handgun. I think that only Magnum has one, but I'm not really sure.
It depends on what you want to use it for.

Nine has more round capacity. I can get a ten-round Glock-26, in a smaller size than a six-round Glock-36. And for some people, its the amount of lead you can throw downrange. (Spray and pray, its called BTW). Nine is also a good round if you just want a gun that you can shoot at the range. Lower recoil, cheaper, so you can go longer.

.40 has become, more or less, the "Police round". its about halfway between the .45 and the nine, both in size and price. And, as it becomes more common, chances are the price will continue to go down.

.45 is the caliber that will never die. Fifty, a hundered years down the road, there will still be guns being made for that round, and there will be plenty pre-exisiting guns out there. In fact, there is a reason why the new Joint Service Pistol (or whatever they are calling it) will be a 45. Ballistics don't lie.

So, really, what do you want to use it for? There is no real "one round" that is perfect for any situation.
I feel dumb because I bought my first 9mm, and folks are just making fun of the thing. Is it a decent home defense round?
9mm is fine. Its a good first gun, IMO. Ammo is cheap enough so you can go out and practice good marksmanship, and have fun with it. And, after all, that's what your out to do, right? To go out and have fun at the range?

Fuck the people making fun of you. I've got several guns. If I see a nine I like, I buy it. Same with any other handgun.

As for rounds, look for any 147 grain hollowpoint. Winchester is a good company, but there are any number to select from. If you want further ideas, PM me, and I'll recommend a site for you to look at.
FNP-9 stainless. :) Felt real nice. I already have a .45 Ruger. Not the fanciest of .45's, but it does what it's supposed to do.
As long as your happy with it, then that's what matters. I wouldn't worry about what other people think.
I was thinking that even though it isn't a .45 or a .40, it would still be a good round if needed in a life or death situation in case of an "unwelcome" guest decides to drop by at 3am.

Kind of wan't to get a .40 S&W in the near future to complete the set of the rounds I like. ;) It's a great hobby goin' shooting at the range. :)
Might want to look at a Glock. They make a good product that they stand by, and they are easy to maintain and care for.
I looked at one last week. I can't remember what the model number was, but it was a .40. Pretty sweet gun. I like full size guns.
I like rifles too. Just don't have one yet since I can't decide on a caliber. I've got a Winchester 94 in 30-30, but I don't fire it.
My first gun was a 30-30, dad gave it to me when I was in the 6th grade. Killed my first deer with it too.

Great gun.
Oh, I agree. I feel like a freak, and it really sucks. I'm not left handed though. I'm right handed, and left eye dominant. Do you know how hard it is to learn to shoot with that kind of wiring? I'm much better with a pistol, and am pretty good with a levergun since I don't have the empty casing flying at my face.