Trekbbs - sucks
Wordforge - following right behind
Exisle - sucks
Terranbbs - dead
Efcl - dead
Why can I not find a BBS that doesn't suck ?
Maybe I need to branch out, take Para to the streets, get away from these Trekbbs spinoffs which seemed to be doomed from the start.
I thought about trying these....
Currently Active Users: 1274 (1234 members and 40 guests)
A thousand active members ?!? Maybe its time Para went big time.
Looks pretty active - kind of corny looking though
http://www.nightly.net/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/28/3347.html - looks like they had dealings with those trollwars folks.
Gaia Online
"Gaia's forum is the largest forum-based community on the internet, with over 440 million posts (plus over 350 million in storage), over 3 million registered users, and an average of 20,000 or more people online at any given time during the day."
Now THIS looks like a place for Para to bring his A game !
Wordforge - following right behind
Exisle - sucks
Terranbbs - dead
Efcl - dead
Why can I not find a BBS that doesn't suck ?
Maybe I need to branch out, take Para to the streets, get away from these Trekbbs spinoffs which seemed to be doomed from the start.
I thought about trying these....
Currently Active Users: 1274 (1234 members and 40 guests)
A thousand active members ?!? Maybe its time Para went big time.
Looks pretty active - kind of corny looking though
http://www.nightly.net/ubb/ultimatebb.php/topic/28/3347.html - looks like they had dealings with those trollwars folks.
Gaia Online
"Gaia's forum is the largest forum-based community on the internet, with over 440 million posts (plus over 350 million in storage), over 3 million registered users, and an average of 20,000 or more people online at any given time during the day."
Now THIS looks like a place for Para to bring his A game !