Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I am so sick of everyone bad mouthing Paganism. I walk around with my pentacle around my neck and people are screaming at me that I am satan's child or something. Maybe they need to pick up a book and inform themselves that Paganism is not satanic and that we do look down on people who practice satanism. Just because I roasted a few women at the stake and ate a few dead babies doesn't mean I'm a bad person. People commit murders every day. War are fought, bombs are dropped and no one says a word. I kill only a few people and burn a church here and there, and sheeze, I never hear the end of it. I don't bash other people for their religous beliefs, so why do they get upset when I practice mines. This year I only made a few blood sacrifies with some stray cats and the neighbors dog and the whole neighborhood is all up in arms about it. Man, some people need to get a life :huh: