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Why in the hell did Rupert Everett have plastic surgery??

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know


Dude was classically handsome. I wish I looked like him. I definintely would have liked to see him as Bond (though Craig ultimately proved to be an excellent choice).

He's not even 50, and he's already had a face-lift (at least). And it's not even good. He doesn't even look like himself. Why do actors feel this overwhelming desire to look young forever? I know it's a brutal business, but seriously, he's totally changed the way he looks. The "before" picture is not bad at all. Sure he's got some lines in his face, but he doesn't look as bad as he does now!
I've searched a half-dozen sites, and they all carry that same picture, which originated from the Star. I need to see other pics/vid footage before I can pronounce final judgment.

But yeah, he was still one of the most stunningly beautiful men in the world, bags and all. What jobs is he thinking he's going to get now that he wasn't getting before?
I've searched a half-dozen sites, and they all carry that same picture, which originated from the Star. I need to see other pics/vid footage before I can pronounce final judgment.

But yeah, he was still one of the most stunningly beautiful men in the world, bags and all. What jobs is he thinking he's going to get now that he wasn't getting before?

I saw him on the Rachel Ray show a few months ago, and he looked EXACTLY like the after picture I posted. It was distracting, like when Mickey Rourke had that bad work done, and started to not look like himself.
It's not so bad there. He obvs had his eyes done, because now he looks surprised 24/7.

Part of the ick factor of the first photo is that he is clean-shaven, which is rare for him these days.