Fletcher... Felcher... WHATEVER!!
I don't normally talk about how Miss Petulant-pussy Callan's stratagems make many mainstream reprobates nervous. However, in this case I'm going to make an exception. I figure it's okay because Miss Callan tries to assert her autonomy by attempting to encourage the acceptance of scapegoating and demonization. Here's the story: She wants nothing less than to replace our timeless traditions with her misguided ones, hence her repeated, almost hypnotic, insistence on the importance of her bitter, muddleheaded manuscripts. I must part company with many of my peers when it comes to understanding why any day now, she will order her slaves to rob from the rich but -- unlike Robin Hood -- give to odious barmpots. My peers maintain that her expositions do not pass muster by any objective standards. While this is undeniably true, I believe we must add that the irony is that her most sexist diatribes are also her most spiteful. As the French say, "Les extremes se touchent."
I am shocked and angered by Miss Callan's dangerous improprieties. Such shameful conduct should never be repeated. My prediction that Miss Callan would organize a whispering campaign against me came true so quickly, so brutally, so horribly, that even I was stunned by the magnitude and viciousness of it all. What she is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity, it is an immoral activity, it is a socially destructive activity, and it is a profoundly untrustworthy activity. I don't mean to scare you, but I sometimes feel like she has forced us into a danse macabre with her unstable zingers leading us to the grave. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Why doesn't she point a critical finger at herself for a change? A clue might be that if you're the type who dares to think for yourself, then you've probably already determined that I am appalled that I have cause to write this article. Sad, but true. And it'll only get worse if she finds a way to prevent me from sleeping soundly at night.
Although the historical battle between good and evil is exemplified in the philosophical division between Platonic order and Aristotelian chaos, you can sincerely assume serious trouble is brewing when belligerent fruitcakes permit self-satisfied pillocks to rise to positions of leadership and authority. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that Miss Callan has been a faithful servant of wretched interests for as long as I can remember? If there is one thing I have learned, it is this: If you think that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what Miss Callan wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance, such as that her method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Miss Callan-ism". It is a shameless and avowedly xenophobic philosophy that aims to resolve a moral failure with an immoral solution. Isn't it odd that annoying freaks of nature, whose piteous lifestyle will threaten national security some day, are immune from censure? Why is that? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that the poisonous wine of resistentialism had been distilled long before Miss Callan entered the scene. Miss Callan is merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle into the jug that is world humanity. Insurrectionism is dangerous. Her amateurish version of it is doubly so.
The most sobering aspect of Miss Callan's canards is that Miss Callan's circulars are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, I am a law-and-order kind of person. I hate to see crimes go unpunished. That's why I unquestionably hope that Miss Callan serves a long prison term for her illegal attempts to send children to die as martyrs for causes that she is unwilling to die for herself. I want to unify our community. Miss Callan, in contrast, wants to drive divisive ideological wedges through it. Of all of her exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: "Individual worth is defined by race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin." I don't know where she came up with this, but her statement is dead wrong.
In contrast, we should not concern ourselves with Miss Callan's putative virtue or vice. Rather, we should concern ourselves with our own welfare and with the fact that everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that if Miss Callan gets her way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of vigilantism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that I like to speak of her as "prudish". That's a reasonable term to use, I contend, but let's now try to understand it a little better. For starters, there is an unpleasant fact, painful to the tender-minded, that one can deduce from the laws of nature. This fact is also conclusively established by direct observation. It is a fact so obvious that rational people have always known it and no one doubted it until Miss Callan and her faithfuls started trying to deny it. The fact to which I am referring states that Miss Callan ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the person. If you delve deeply into Miss Callan's press releases and thus, in tranquil clarity, submit to contemplation the declamations of slatternly misers, you will indeed discover why Miss Callan can get away with lies (e.g., that we can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune) because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Miss Callan is lying. On the surface, it would seem merely that I disagree both with her point and with the way she makes it. But the truth is that she has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which she can convince impressionable young people that all literature which opposes hooliganism was forged by unbridled antihumanist-types and get away with it. Then again, just because Miss Callan is a prolific fantasist doesn't mean that the boogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to her demands.
If you'll allow me a minor dysphemism, Miss Callan has a long, Stalinism-infested history of attempts to accelerate our descent into the cesspool of despotism. Or, to phrase that a little more politely, Miss Callan cannot tolerate the world as it is. She needs to live in a world of fantasies. To be more specific, Miss Callan's hired goons work behind the scenes to create problems that our grandchildren will have to live with. I put that observation into this letter just to let you see that we must follow through on the critical work that has already begun. Our children depend on that. While Miss Callan's pleas may seem impetuous, they're in agreement with Miss Callan's gloomy paroxysms. Miss Callan will hijack the word "barothermohygrograph" and use it to censor by caricature and preempt discussion by stereotype because she possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses postmodernist couch potatoes with irritable and uncontrollable rage. What I find frightening is that some academics actually believe her line that she has her moral compass in tact. In this case, "academics" refers to a stratum of the residual intelligentsia surviving the recession of its demotic base, not to those seekers of truth who understand that Miss Callan wants to ignore compromise and focus solely on her personal agenda. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Miss Callan's gossamer grasp of reality. A brief study of sociology will show one inescapable fact: Her recourse to nonrepresentationalism as a tactical modality for waging low-intensity warfare has been successful. That's clear. But the justification she gave for seeking to tear down everything that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation was one of the most Pecksniffian justifications I've ever heard. It was so Pecksniffian, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: Once you understand Miss Callan's imprecations, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Miss Callan respond to this letter with hyperbolic and uncorroborated accusations and assaults on free speech. I have begged Miss Callan's underlings to step forth and take action. To date, not a single soul has agreed to help in this fashion. Are they worried about how Miss Callan might retaliate? I can give you only my best estimate, made after long and anxious consideration, but I do not pose as an expert in these matters. I can say only that if we let Miss Callan equip insidious morons with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles, all we'll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.
You might have heard the story that Miss Callan once agreed to help us encourage opportunity, responsibility, and community. No one has located the document in which Miss Callan said that. No one has identified when or where Miss Callan said that. That's because she never said it. As you might have suspected, the spectrum of views between larrikinism and absolutism is not a line but a circle at which hostile, patronizing dips and maladroit ideologues meet. To properly place Miss Callan somewhere in that spectrum, one needs to realize that Miss Callan has vowed that one day she'll do the entire country a grave disservice. This is hardly news; Miss Callan has been vowing that for months with the regularity of a metronome. What is news is that she is trying to brainwash us. She wants us to believe that it's revolting to carry out the famous French admonition, écrasez l'infâme!, against her expedients; that's boring; that's not cool. You know what I think of that, don't you? I think that there is a simple answer to the question of what to do about Miss Callan's dissertations. The difficult part is in implementing the answer. The answer is that we must point out the glaring contradiction between Miss Callan's idealized view of incendiarism and reality. While these incidents may seem minor, the tone of Miss Callan's ideals is eerily reminiscent of that of cold-blooded twaddlers of the late 1940s, in the sense that we should analyze Miss Callan's policies in the manner of sociological studies of mass communication and persuasion. (Goodness knows, our elected officials aren't going to.)
Two quick comments: 1) You can observe a definite bias in Miss Callan's contrivances relating to the worst types of unreasonable ranters I've ever seen, and 2) creating needed understanding is best achieved in a calm, rational environment. If, after hearing facts like that, you still believe that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever her personal interests are at stake, then there is decidedly no hope for you. I should note that Miss Callan is absolutely determined to believe that her shenanigans can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality, and she's not about to let facts or reason get in her way. Whenever she is blamed for conspiring to undermine liberty in the name of liberty, she blames her subalterns. Doing so reinforces their passivity and obedience and increases their guilt, shame, terror, and conformity, thereby making them far more willing to help Miss Callan use every conceivable form of diplomacy, deception, pressure, coercion, bribery, treason, and terror to fan the flames of careerism into a planet-spanning inferno. While she insists that everyone who doesn't share her beliefs is a vapid misanthrop deserving of death and damnation, reality dictates otherwise. Actually, if you want a real dose of reality, look at how Miss Callan has the nerve to call those of us who reinvigorate our collective commitment to building and maintaining a sensitive, tolerant, and humane community "conspiracy theorists". No, we're "conspiracy revealers" because we reveal that Miss Callan's mind has limited horizons. It is confined to the immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal and basic and is then leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Now that I've been exposed to Miss Callan's screeds, I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps it's Miss Callan's belief that my letters demonstrate a desire to trade facts for fantasy, truth for myths, academics for collective socialization, and individual thinking for group manipulation. I can't understand how anyone could go from anything I ever wrote to such a jaded idea. In fact, my letters generally make the diametrically opposite claim, that "Miss Callan" has now become part of my vocabulary. Whenever I see someone teach the next generation how to hate -- and whom to hate -- I tell him or her to stop "Miss Callan-ing". Miss Callan and I disagree about our civic duties. I think that we must do our utmost to put inexorable pressure on her to be a bit more careful about what she says and does as expeditiously as possible. Miss Callan, on the other hand, believes that the purpose of life is self-gratification.
As I mentioned before, Miss Callan's obiter dicta will cause more harm than good. But let me add that her credos are destructive. They're morally destructive, socially destructive -- even intellectually destructive. And, as if that weren't enough, I have a message for her. My message is that, for the good of us all, she should never batten on the credulity of the ignorant. She should never even try to do such a disorganized thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never", I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that this is a free country, and I assert we ought to keep it that way.
The same pattern of guilt-by-association practiced by Miss Callan's cronies can be found in Miss Callan's taradiddles. It follows from this that perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of feral, prurient dole-sucking parasites. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that I admit I have a tendency to become a bit insensitive whenever I rebuke Miss Callan for trying to advocate her tricks amid a hue and cry as counter-productive as it is brutish. While I am desirous of mending this tiny personality flaw, my general thesis is that I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how Miss Callan has convinced a lot of people that it is her moral imperative to rot our minds with the hallucinatory drug of fanaticism. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation. I'll talk a lot more about that later, but first let me finish my general thesis: She should think twice before she decides to intensify race hatred. That's the sort of statement that some people aver is rancorous, but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And it's a statement that needs to be made, because there are few certainties in life. I have counted only three: death, taxes, and Miss Callan doing some frowzy thing every few weeks. It's easy enough to hate Miss Callan any day of the week on general principles. But now I'll tell you about some very specific things that Miss Callan is up to, things that ought to make a real Miss Callan-hater out of you. First off, she frequently avers her support of democracy and her love of freedom. But one need only look at what she is doing -- as opposed to what she is saying -- to understand her true aims. To summarize my views: My message has always been that Miss Petulant-pussy Callan has failed entirely to grasp the essence of my criticisms of her.
I am shocked and angered by Miss Callan's dangerous improprieties. Such shameful conduct should never be repeated. My prediction that Miss Callan would organize a whispering campaign against me came true so quickly, so brutally, so horribly, that even I was stunned by the magnitude and viciousness of it all. What she is doing is not an innocent, recreational sort of thing. It is a criminal activity, it is an immoral activity, it is a socially destructive activity, and it is a profoundly untrustworthy activity. I don't mean to scare you, but I sometimes feel like she has forced us into a danse macabre with her unstable zingers leading us to the grave. That's pretty transparent. What's not so transparent is the answer to the following question: Why doesn't she point a critical finger at herself for a change? A clue might be that if you're the type who dares to think for yourself, then you've probably already determined that I am appalled that I have cause to write this article. Sad, but true. And it'll only get worse if she finds a way to prevent me from sleeping soundly at night.
Although the historical battle between good and evil is exemplified in the philosophical division between Platonic order and Aristotelian chaos, you can sincerely assume serious trouble is brewing when belligerent fruitcakes permit self-satisfied pillocks to rise to positions of leadership and authority. Am I being unduly harsh for writing that? I think not. When the religious leaders in Jesus's time were wrong, Jesus denounced them in extremely harsh terms. So why shouldn't I, too, use extremely harsh terms to indicate that Miss Callan has been a faithful servant of wretched interests for as long as I can remember? If there is one thing I have learned, it is this: If you think that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength, then you're suffering from very serious nearsightedness. You're focusing too much on what Miss Callan wants you to see and failing to observe many other things of much greater importance, such as that her method (or school, or ideology -- it is hard to know exactly what to call it) goes by the name of "Miss Callan-ism". It is a shameless and avowedly xenophobic philosophy that aims to resolve a moral failure with an immoral solution. Isn't it odd that annoying freaks of nature, whose piteous lifestyle will threaten national security some day, are immune from censure? Why is that? The most appealing theory has to do with the way that the poisonous wine of resistentialism had been distilled long before Miss Callan entered the scene. Miss Callan is merely the agent decanting the poisonous fluid from its bottle into the jug that is world humanity. Insurrectionism is dangerous. Her amateurish version of it is doubly so.
The most sobering aspect of Miss Callan's canards is that Miss Callan's circulars are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, I am a law-and-order kind of person. I hate to see crimes go unpunished. That's why I unquestionably hope that Miss Callan serves a long prison term for her illegal attempts to send children to die as martyrs for causes that she is unwilling to die for herself. I want to unify our community. Miss Callan, in contrast, wants to drive divisive ideological wedges through it. Of all of her exaggerations and incorrect comparisons, one in particular stands out: "Individual worth is defined by race, ethnicity, religion, or national origin." I don't know where she came up with this, but her statement is dead wrong.
In contrast, we should not concern ourselves with Miss Callan's putative virtue or vice. Rather, we should concern ourselves with our own welfare and with the fact that everything I've said so far is by way of introduction to the key point I want to make in this letter. My key point is that if Miss Callan gets her way, we will soon be engulfed in a Dark Age of vigilantism and indescribable horror. That's why I'm telling you that I like to speak of her as "prudish". That's a reasonable term to use, I contend, but let's now try to understand it a little better. For starters, there is an unpleasant fact, painful to the tender-minded, that one can deduce from the laws of nature. This fact is also conclusively established by direct observation. It is a fact so obvious that rational people have always known it and no one doubted it until Miss Callan and her faithfuls started trying to deny it. The fact to which I am referring states that Miss Callan ignores the most basic ground rule of debate. In case you're not familiar with it, that rule is: attack the idea, not the person. If you delve deeply into Miss Callan's press releases and thus, in tranquil clarity, submit to contemplation the declamations of slatternly misers, you will indeed discover why Miss Callan can get away with lies (e.g., that we can all live together happily without laws, like the members of some 1960s-style dope-smoking commune) because the average person cannot imagine anyone lying so brazenly. Not one person in a hundred will actually check out the facts for himself and discover that Miss Callan is lying. On the surface, it would seem merely that I disagree both with her point and with the way she makes it. But the truth is that she has a talent for inventing fantasy worlds in which she can convince impressionable young people that all literature which opposes hooliganism was forged by unbridled antihumanist-types and get away with it. Then again, just because Miss Callan is a prolific fantasist doesn't mean that the boogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to her demands.
If you'll allow me a minor dysphemism, Miss Callan has a long, Stalinism-infested history of attempts to accelerate our descent into the cesspool of despotism. Or, to phrase that a little more politely, Miss Callan cannot tolerate the world as it is. She needs to live in a world of fantasies. To be more specific, Miss Callan's hired goons work behind the scenes to create problems that our grandchildren will have to live with. I put that observation into this letter just to let you see that we must follow through on the critical work that has already begun. Our children depend on that. While Miss Callan's pleas may seem impetuous, they're in agreement with Miss Callan's gloomy paroxysms. Miss Callan will hijack the word "barothermohygrograph" and use it to censor by caricature and preempt discussion by stereotype because she possesses a hatred that defies all logic and understanding, that cannot be quantified or reasoned away, and that savagely possesses postmodernist couch potatoes with irritable and uncontrollable rage. What I find frightening is that some academics actually believe her line that she has her moral compass in tact. In this case, "academics" refers to a stratum of the residual intelligentsia surviving the recession of its demotic base, not to those seekers of truth who understand that Miss Callan wants to ignore compromise and focus solely on her personal agenda. What's wrong with that? What's wrong is Miss Callan's gossamer grasp of reality. A brief study of sociology will show one inescapable fact: Her recourse to nonrepresentationalism as a tactical modality for waging low-intensity warfare has been successful. That's clear. But the justification she gave for seeking to tear down everything that can possibly be regarded as a support of cultural elevation was one of the most Pecksniffian justifications I've ever heard. It was so Pecksniffian, in fact, that I will not repeat it here. Even without hearing the details you can still see my point quite clearly: Once you understand Miss Callan's imprecations, you have a responsibility to do something about them. To know, to understand, and not to act, is an egregious sin of omission. It is the sin of silence. It is the sin of letting Miss Callan respond to this letter with hyperbolic and uncorroborated accusations and assaults on free speech. I have begged Miss Callan's underlings to step forth and take action. To date, not a single soul has agreed to help in this fashion. Are they worried about how Miss Callan might retaliate? I can give you only my best estimate, made after long and anxious consideration, but I do not pose as an expert in these matters. I can say only that if we let Miss Callan equip insidious morons with flame throwers, hand grenades, and heat-seeking missiles, all we'll have to look forward to in the future is a public realm devoid of culture and a narrow and routinized professional life untouched by the highest creations of civilization.
You might have heard the story that Miss Callan once agreed to help us encourage opportunity, responsibility, and community. No one has located the document in which Miss Callan said that. No one has identified when or where Miss Callan said that. That's because she never said it. As you might have suspected, the spectrum of views between larrikinism and absolutism is not a line but a circle at which hostile, patronizing dips and maladroit ideologues meet. To properly place Miss Callan somewhere in that spectrum, one needs to realize that Miss Callan has vowed that one day she'll do the entire country a grave disservice. This is hardly news; Miss Callan has been vowing that for months with the regularity of a metronome. What is news is that she is trying to brainwash us. She wants us to believe that it's revolting to carry out the famous French admonition, écrasez l'infâme!, against her expedients; that's boring; that's not cool. You know what I think of that, don't you? I think that there is a simple answer to the question of what to do about Miss Callan's dissertations. The difficult part is in implementing the answer. The answer is that we must point out the glaring contradiction between Miss Callan's idealized view of incendiarism and reality. While these incidents may seem minor, the tone of Miss Callan's ideals is eerily reminiscent of that of cold-blooded twaddlers of the late 1940s, in the sense that we should analyze Miss Callan's policies in the manner of sociological studies of mass communication and persuasion. (Goodness knows, our elected officials aren't going to.)
Two quick comments: 1) You can observe a definite bias in Miss Callan's contrivances relating to the worst types of unreasonable ranters I've ever seen, and 2) creating needed understanding is best achieved in a calm, rational environment. If, after hearing facts like that, you still believe that national-security interests can and should be sidestepped whenever her personal interests are at stake, then there is decidedly no hope for you. I should note that Miss Callan is absolutely determined to believe that her shenanigans can give us deeper insights into the nature of reality, and she's not about to let facts or reason get in her way. Whenever she is blamed for conspiring to undermine liberty in the name of liberty, she blames her subalterns. Doing so reinforces their passivity and obedience and increases their guilt, shame, terror, and conformity, thereby making them far more willing to help Miss Callan use every conceivable form of diplomacy, deception, pressure, coercion, bribery, treason, and terror to fan the flames of careerism into a planet-spanning inferno. While she insists that everyone who doesn't share her beliefs is a vapid misanthrop deserving of death and damnation, reality dictates otherwise. Actually, if you want a real dose of reality, look at how Miss Callan has the nerve to call those of us who reinvigorate our collective commitment to building and maintaining a sensitive, tolerant, and humane community "conspiracy theorists". No, we're "conspiracy revealers" because we reveal that Miss Callan's mind has limited horizons. It is confined to the immediate and simplistic, with the inevitable consequence that everything is made banal and basic and is then leveled down until it is deprived of all spiritual life. Now that I've been exposed to Miss Callan's screeds, I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps it's Miss Callan's belief that my letters demonstrate a desire to trade facts for fantasy, truth for myths, academics for collective socialization, and individual thinking for group manipulation. I can't understand how anyone could go from anything I ever wrote to such a jaded idea. In fact, my letters generally make the diametrically opposite claim, that "Miss Callan" has now become part of my vocabulary. Whenever I see someone teach the next generation how to hate -- and whom to hate -- I tell him or her to stop "Miss Callan-ing". Miss Callan and I disagree about our civic duties. I think that we must do our utmost to put inexorable pressure on her to be a bit more careful about what she says and does as expeditiously as possible. Miss Callan, on the other hand, believes that the purpose of life is self-gratification.
As I mentioned before, Miss Callan's obiter dicta will cause more harm than good. But let me add that her credos are destructive. They're morally destructive, socially destructive -- even intellectually destructive. And, as if that weren't enough, I have a message for her. My message is that, for the good of us all, she should never batten on the credulity of the ignorant. She should never even try to do such a disorganized thing. To make myself perfectly clear, by "never", I don't mean "maybe", "sometimes", or "it depends". I mean only that this is a free country, and I assert we ought to keep it that way.
The same pattern of guilt-by-association practiced by Miss Callan's cronies can be found in Miss Callan's taradiddles. It follows from this that perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of feral, prurient dole-sucking parasites. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that I admit I have a tendency to become a bit insensitive whenever I rebuke Miss Callan for trying to advocate her tricks amid a hue and cry as counter-productive as it is brutish. While I am desirous of mending this tiny personality flaw, my general thesis is that I am deliberately using colorful language in this letter. I am deliberately using provocative phrases that I hope will stick in the minds of my readers. I do ensure, however, that my words are always appropriate and accurate and clearly explain how Miss Callan has convinced a lot of people that it is her moral imperative to rot our minds with the hallucinatory drug of fanaticism. One must pause in admiration at this triumph of media manipulation. I'll talk a lot more about that later, but first let me finish my general thesis: She should think twice before she decides to intensify race hatred. That's the sort of statement that some people aver is rancorous, but which I believe is merely a statement of fact. And it's a statement that needs to be made, because there are few certainties in life. I have counted only three: death, taxes, and Miss Callan doing some frowzy thing every few weeks. It's easy enough to hate Miss Callan any day of the week on general principles. But now I'll tell you about some very specific things that Miss Callan is up to, things that ought to make a real Miss Callan-hater out of you. First off, she frequently avers her support of democracy and her love of freedom. But one need only look at what she is doing -- as opposed to what she is saying -- to understand her true aims. To summarize my views: My message has always been that Miss Petulant-pussy Callan has failed entirely to grasp the essence of my criticisms of her.