Why is Falconarg so mean to everyone at TK, and the board itself?


Could it be a self-esteem issue, or general insecurity?

Why would anyone hang about somewhere they claim to hate to much, and interract with people they claim to despise so much?

Could it also be a lack of attention in real life, or does he just have a very tiny penis buried in mounds of Hispanic flab?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Pinata Whacker
i dont want to play this game anymore

Too bad.

You're gonna play the game, and maybe if you listen for a change your gonna win it for once.

This the last thing you want to hear but you kind of remind me of me(and rocktar) when I first started out on the messageboards. I used to be angry at everyone and post really stupid stuff. But thanks to a few good, smart posters who gave me second and third chances I wised up, developed a thicker skin and became a more productive and less destuctive poster.


I love this place
loktar is desperate for attention