Why is George Clooney always laughing?


I want to smell dark matter
Is it because he's so handsome?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
George Clooney is handsome, rich, and he does lots of charity work, and gets involved in political and humanitarian causes. Because he knows this is the best way to score the high-class pussy without having to pay for it.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, handsome people jokes.


I want to smell dark matter
What else.


Can I have Ops?
He wears those chinese vibrating balls inside his rectum at all times.

The tingle makes him smile, even when he is saving starving children.


beer, I want beer
Because no matter how rotten or unpleasant or disappointing a day gets, he suddenly remembers he's still George Clooney and the problems just melt away.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
He wears those chinese vibrating balls inside his rectum at all times.

The tingle makes him smile, even when he is saving starving children.
Hmm...I might have to adopt this approach to life.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
He's going to audition for the role of Elmo, in Tickle Me Elmo part DUE.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I want to audition for the role of Pervy Mr. Hooper.


I want to smell dark matter
He's so handsome that he just punched a cop repeatedly in the face and all the cop could say was "my god you're handsome."


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His image has been used by Bahrain Riot Police to calm the crowds. They have a giant screen which shows a looped animated gif of him turning and offering a rye smile. The stupifying effect is instant.

Dr Dave

The "face on Mars", was in fact a failed attempt by aliens to make the perfect George Clooney monument.

His displeasure over this is why there has never been a manned mission to Mars.


I want to smell dark matter
He got the Phelps family to stop hating gays with a simple look. "I can't hate...MYSELF!" said Fred.

Dr Dave

George Clooney could win the Indi 500 without a car, but does not do so, as he would not want to hurt anybodies feelings.


Can I have Ops?
The number of sightings of George Clooney's face in bread, root vegetables and baked products recently overtook those of Jesus. George has supressed this fact, as he is disarmingly modest as well as handsome.


I want to smell dark matter
George was offered seventy trillion dollars to do Ocean's Fourteen but turned it down because "there might possibly be a slight decline in quality."