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Why is "Superman Returns" considered to be bad?

I think that's the problem: It's a Superman movie that was supposed to reinvigorate a franchise, and in the end, the best people could say about it was "it's not that terrible."
As opposed to the new one? ;)

I'll go out on a limb here and say that Brandon Roush was an acceptable Superman and Kate Bosworth was a decent Lois Lane. Perhaps in 20 years she'll be hiding in someone's shrubbery without her dentures, but who knows?

And Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor? Excellent.
I mean I don't hate Superman Returns as much as some, but it's biggest problem was it was too busy saying "Hey, remember the Richard Donner films? They were great!" (which they were) instead of trying to get its own identity.

Of course the new one does at least do that, and stand alone with it's own identity. It's just not a very good one.
I'm mainly just waiting for Aquehonga to chime in about the shrubbery/denture debacle.

But, what's the best Batman flick?

For me it's a draw between Batman Returns and The Dark Knight.

Batman Returns had everything good that the first Burton-era Batman movie had, but it was also free of most of the decisions-by-committee from higher-ups that turned the first film into more of a campy marketing springboard than a coherent film.

The Dark Knight was the perfect balance of the Nolan-era film traits: While Batman Begins was great at giving us a "serious" look at the Batman myth, The Dark Knight wasn't afraid to add more layers of wit and irony to the gritty storytelling. And while The Dark Knight Rises was equally as impressive, it had too many BIG IDEAS floating around, which made the plot overly dense and the twists a little too dizzying. Also, the competing philosophies in the story were assigned kind of arbitrarily: is the ultimate message "Trust no one and don't belive in anything: everybody lies, so we're doomed no matter what"?

Also I don't think people in the streets would have been clapping/cheering while seeing a nuclear bomb go off within visual range just because it was further away, over the water. I think they'd still be freaking and running for the shelters, just not as quickly as if it went off on land.
I really like Batman Returns. I mean I know Batman does a whole bunch of unBatmanny things in it but there's something about the dark gothic Christmas superhero vibe the film has that I really like.
At least "Superman Returns" completely IGNORES Superman 3 and Poor! Despite SR and its reception by aficionados:shrug:

Well Supes 3 was FUN, the Junkyard Scene awesome:rockon: Superman Poor was painfully stupid, yet amusing:biggrin:
I've only watched Superman Returns once and I don't remember HATING IT or anything but it was a bit weird. I remember Cyclops being the real hero(!?) and the whole "Superman is a deadbeat dad!" complaint seemed to have some merit.

But I liked the bullet hitting his eyeball and Kevin Spacey saying "WRONG!"
As opposed to the new one? ;)

I'll go out on a limb here and say that Brandon Roush was an acceptable Superman and Kate Bosworth was a decent Lois Lane. Perhaps in 20 years she'll be hiding in someone's shrubbery without her dentures, but who knows?

And Kevin Spacey as Lex Luthor? Excellent.

Brandon Routh: Worst Superman EVAR. I'd rather have Christopher Reeves in a wheelchair playing Superman than Christopher Reeves wannabe/imitator Brandon Routh. Hell I'd even prefer Dean Cain over BR.

I've only watched Superman Returns once and I don't remember HATING IT or anything but it was a bit weird. I remember Cyclops being the real hero(!?) and the whole "Superman is a deadbeat dad!" complaint seemed to have some merit.

But I liked the bullet hitting his eyeball and Kevin Spacey saying "WRONG!"

On the bluray there are about 20 different versions of the "Wrong!" shout.

SR's was ok enough to watch, but it should have made its mind up whether it was a remake or a sequal to the first film, because it seemed like a lot of scenes where just remade.