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Will Cook for Sex.

I will provide hamburgers and buns for sex...Blindgroping can cook
Jack will serve and T.Q. will supervise
Blindgroping said:
Ahh, you either haven't eaten well, or you have no proper palette.

Actually, it's not that bad of an offer. Since we're in between places, we've gone out to eat and picked up more fast food in the past few months than we probably have the past couple of years.

I'm ready to have home-cooked food again!
We try to cook every night. I know we've been setting an extra place for Lil the last few days :)
Don't quit! You haven't lost until you've quit! There is nothing reality respects more than the man who says, "You say I can't?! Fuck you, I WILL!" And nothing it respects less than the man who says, "I surrender."
curiousa2z said:
BG, We'll still have OUR Philosophy Thread, won't we? :(
I'm just a wee bit frustrated.

I made smoked salmon/creamcheese wantona and lipton onion soupmix Battered chicken strips last night.
curiousa2z said:
BG, We'll still have OUR Philosophy Thread, won't we? :(

Oh, And I ment "I quit" the sex part.
Hell, I've been celibate for 2 years now, I don't see why I shouldn't continue with that Monk-like behavior.
Leading the quite solitute and existence of a monk... the 'wise man on the mountain' DOES have it's enlightened and liberated appeal, BG.

At the same time... even a monk needs to blow off some "steam" now and again.

I have a feeling that if you put your mind to it, you'd have NO problems achieving that physical release.
Blindgroping said:
I'm just a wee bit frustrated.

I made smoked salmon/creamcheese wantona and lipton onion soupmix Battered chicken strips last night.

Oh yum, thats sounds delicioso.
Blindgroping said:
Oh, And I ment "I quit" the sex part.
Hell, I've been celibate for 2 years now, I don't see why I shouldn't continue with that Monk-like behavior.

What are you doing about the back-up?