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Will Obama be the first nigger to be executed since MLK

Are you implying that Obama would be a worse president than Bush? you know, the current president who has a 35% approval rating.
No, he's implying that black+political figure=assassinated nigger. I dunno. It's possible, but fergawdssakes let's hope not. Last thing blacks need is yet another martyr.
According to Debra Dickerson Obama isn't black. Stephen Colbert really fucked with her the other night.. I'm sure it's on youtube by now, but I don't have a link. It's worth watching. Apparently (according to her) the only real blacks in America are descended from slaves.

here's a snip of her article

Which brings me to the main reason I delayed writing about Obama. For me, it was a trick question in a game I refused to play. Since the issue was always framed as a battle between gender and race (read: non-whiteness -- the question is moot when all the players are white), I didn't have the heart (or the stomach) to point out the obvious: Obama isn't black.

"Black," in our political and social reality, means those descended from West African slaves. Voluntary immigrants of African descent (even those descended from West Indian slaves) are just that, voluntary immigrants of African descent with markedly different outlooks on the role of race in their lives and in politics. At a minimum, it can't be assumed that a Nigerian cabdriver and a third-generation Harlemite have more in common than the fact a cop won't bother to make the distinction. They're both "black" as a matter of skin color and DNA, but only the Harlemite, for better or worse, is politically and culturally black, as we use the term.
I'm just sayin' y'know? Motherfucker is super popular. Probably could energize a crowd of blacks quicker than Malcom X could :::chuckling:::

Anyone younger than 35 would have missed what really happened back then. It makes for a greater understanding when you consider Kennedy did the "Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You" rhetoric and fucked with the machine and took several bullets from every possible angle (how many fucking people does it take to kill someone, anyway?) for his attempt to mass the masses.

Think X. Think King. God knows why Muhammed Ali survived. Maybe they just fed him CIA gravy and that's how he developed Parkinsons. That certainly shut him fck up quick, eh? I know, I'm crazy as a shithouse rat around this shit, but I was 8 when I saw the real Kennedy autopsy photos.

Anyway Obama's a marked man now.
Meh, I doubt it. Shit, we let Bush railroad us into that shithole Iraq, we'll probably let him railroad us into this Iran bullshit, and we let him look the other way while Mexico circles the southwest with the We-Own-It-Now pen. Now there's a muslim trying to become President. If he's elected, we'll be a theocracy under Sharia law inside of the first year, because Americans have forgotten that being Americans is worth anything.
America isn't worth anything any more. We have purposely removed all that made America great, setting ourselves up for a bloodless conquest.

America was dying before the North won the Civil War. When the South lost, it was the deathblow to the Constitution.
And any troll posting the revisionist bullshit symbol of slavery as the cause of the Civil War needs to hide their ignorance until they can educate themselves on the politics of the 1820s on.

Back then, Federalism was the dirty word.
I do not think it is wise to vote for someone whose name closely resembles Osama. Vote for Rudy Giuliani instead.
The Question said:
Meh, I doubt it. Shit, we let Bush railroad us into that shithole Iraq, we'll probably let him railroad us into this Iran bullshit, and we let him look the other way while Mexico circles the southwest with the We-Own-It-Now pen. Now there's a muslim trying to become President. If he's elected, we'll be a theocracy under Sharia law inside of the first year, because Americans have forgotten that being Americans is worth anything.

What Muslim? :huh:
Re: Obama, I had this idea too. I'm from Illinois so I've had the chance to see more of him than most people. A lot of the discussion I've read seems to come from people who are writing him off without having any idea how charismatic and inspiring he can be. That's really all it takes. Americans don't give a shit about the intricacies of policy or legislation packages. They want to be sweet-talked and romanced. To me it looks like Obama has a real shot to be the next President.

It all depends on if he really believes in making a difference, or if he just wants the job enough to play along. If he's really out to change things he's a dead man IMO.
bad dog said:
That nigger should be in iraq cooking fried chicken for the troops.

when he becomes president, I think he's gonna kick back in the white house and send YOU to do it
Cranky Bastard said:
America isn't worth anything any more. We have purposely removed all that made America great, setting ourselves up for a bloodless conquest.

America was dying before the North won the Civil War. When the South lost, it was the deathblow to the Constitution.

Its never to late you know. Yeah Niggers maybe taking white women, Mexicans/Indians taking white peoples jobs, arabs taking white peoples heads off on youtube. Chinks taking White Man's technology and selling back to him. It looks bad I know. But never give up. Remember You are what makes this world great. <<< snickers >>>