Will this become a new fad amongst UK's ministers?

Dr Dave

Oops: UK minister nearly makes dinger with ringer

LONDON (AP) - It was a bit of bell ringing that became bell flinging.

British Olympics Secretary Jeremy Hunt nearly hit a bystander Friday when a bell he was shaking broke apart and went flying off its handle during a television interview.

Hunt's mishap came during artist Martin Creed's "All the Bells" event, in which bells across the country, including Big Ben, rang to welcome the games at 8:12 a.m., 12 hours before the Olympics opening ceremony begins.

Hunt's ringing may have been a bit too joyous. Television footage showed him wincing as the bell flew into a crowd of bystanders. Luckily no one appeared hit.

Later he posted a Twitter message: "Oops bell broke taking part in Martin Creed's ringing in of the Games ... no one hurt but classic (2012) moment."


Investigation to be launched over faulty bells?


Can I have Ops?
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

A very famous serious news radio presenter in the UK called him Jeremy CUNT by accident. We all nodded in agreement when he did that.


Is this real life?
"Jeremy Hunt hits woman with bell end" was one of my favourite headlines.


Can I have Ops?
They are thinking of making Gary Glitter the spokesperson for the Olympics. On audience testing, the aging, very creepy pedophile scored higher on "warmth" and "personality" that Mr Jeremy Hunt.

He would lead gangs of small children into the stadia to fill the empty seats shouting WANNA BE IN MY GANG, MY GANG p'aodwadwpakckcks;as


I want to smell dark matter
Channel 4 producing "The Execution Of Jeremy Hunt" as we speak!?


Is this real life?
Garry Glitter seems to model himself off of General Chang now.

I won't post a picture of the paedotwat, but here's Chang:


He has a little ponytail as well, which I think Gary Childfucker also has.


I want to smell dark matter
And Glitter keeps offering to help kids with their Shakespeare homework.


Can I have Ops?
Anyway - while we are on empty seats, what the fuck is it all about making troops watch Synchronised Equestrian water hockey anyway? Haven't they suffered enough?


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I followed that acct after you retweeted them the other day. Poor lonely seat.