Windows 7


U mad 'bro?
So, I'm logged into the main, ADMINISTRATOR acount,
Wanting to move some files, and delete others,
and the computer is either saying that I don't have permission or that I need administrator access.

Um, I AM the administrator and i AM logged in to that account.

I had this problen once before and I have to dig deep in to the properties and actually ADD myself to the "owner" in order to do anything.

Why all the cloak and dagger, pain in the assness?

Admin account should have admin abilities inherent.


yeah it does that....remember that win OS in the early days that was set out like a house and the little dog that ran around was ur search...and the filing cabnet was where ur docs were and etc....well they havnt moved on, its kinda liek that, designed for retards who need alerts when anything happens...
I'm sure u can turn it off somewhre....just gotta find it hidden amongst all teh useless information and options...

I'm kinda liking it now...especially the sticky notes :D


U mad 'bro?
I haven't even gotte to the sticky noted yet.
I like an uncluttered screen.

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
I so agree!

Btw, keep your status set to Admin, switch the machine off completely (no warm restart but a genuine switch off and new start) and then try again. Often, you can now access the previousely locked files.

Another manifestation of that bug: if you try to edit or delete an empty folder in the user section, you may encounter the same problem: if it's a folder the system automatically created (like for example "my music") it is uneditable as long as it is empty. You have to load something into it in order to be able to administrate the folder.
Not exactly a masterpiece, Mr Gates..

It's wisest to ignore all the folders the system creates automatically and instead make your own ones on a different partition of teh harddrive. Saves you a lot of anger.

Good luck!

(contact me if you need a shoulder to cry on ;) )

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts

Somebody give me a workaround to turn off the delay every time the Caps Lock button is pushed, also hurtling me off the app I am using and suddenly causing me to type into nothingness...

Or is this more a Dell thing than a Win7 thing?


U mad 'bro?

Somebody give me a workaround to turn off the delay every time the Caps Lock button is pushed, also hurtling me off the app I am using and suddenly causing me to type into nothingness...

Or is this more a Dell thing than a Win7 thing?

Because of the flat keyboard on a laptop, and the way i type, I've had to remove the caps lock and home key.
When i've going for an A, I accidentally hit the Caps lock, and when I go for the backspace, I accidentally home the cursor.


U mad 'bro?
Same REGEDIT code. Works for Win7. Thanks for playing.

Well, when you give me a link for a Vista thing and tell me to try Win 7,
When in fact I already stated that I was using Win 7,
it looks like you ...

wait fot it.....



lulz frustration wagon... It will work for both...use google?


Staff member
Well, when you give me a link for a Vista thing and tell me to try Win 7,
When in fact I already stated that I was using Win 7,
it looks like you ...

wait fot it.....


You're not being purposefully dense are you? I stated that the regedit hack would workin in Windows 7 in my original post and that it would solve your problem. The fact that the download was on a page for vista is wholly irrelevant since I was giving you something that would work exactly the same for Windows 7 and I stated that fact as well. So what did I get wrong again?

The Call Of Nature

Saint (what else!)
the basic code shuldn't be much different in both vista and 7, so theoretically that file should work.
Personally, I wouldn't try it out unless I'd had a thorough look at the file, checking the code line for line. Manipulating the registry is surgery on the OS's open heart. And unknown software shouldn't go to such a vital spot. God knows what could happen to a computer if some moron built in a little additional command in that file. The possibilities there are absolutely unlimited.


Let's fuck some shit up
Hey, I've got this problem in Snow Leopard... wait... nevermind. I don't have any problems in Snow Leopard.


U mad 'bro?
The link works fine. I have it running.

But me, being NOT computer language literate, see you talking about Vista, doesn't have a clue that it's the same as Win 7 because we are calling it different things so I expect different things.

If you ask for cornstarch and I hand you arrowroot, unless you already know, you wouldn't know that they do the same thing.