Unluckiest Charm in the Box
This is Crazy :shock:
Did you know that...
183841 people have registered as students of Witch School since September 4, 2001! is the first truly online school dedicated to Wiccan, Pagan and magical thought. The Witch School system is highly interactive providing many different ways to truly learn about the Magical and Wiccan world. In order to provide you with the best possible learning experience we utilize the best of the current communication tools available as well as quality materials to create a educational environment second to none. offers as it's first basic service a First Degree Wicca Course. This is a 13-lesson system covering a broad range of skills and philosophies of modern Wicca. This is complimented by the Mentor program, a way to find and receive help by trained and dedicated volunteers who offer direct and personal assistance. This is from individuals from all over the world, a truly global campus, who want to study and teach as much as you want to learn.
If you want to see some of what we are offering, take a First Degree Preview.
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