Wolverine & the X-Men


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Anyone watching this? They introduced Gambit on the last episode, and he had a Jamacian Cajun accent. WTF?
Not yet.

The X-Men consist of Wolverine, Beast, Cyclops, Storm, Shadowkat, Iceman, Emma Frost. Rogue was one, but went to the darkside and joined the Brotherhood. Nightcrawler and Angel or sorta members. Jean Gray is missing and Prof. X is in a coma.
Anyone watching this? They introduced Gambit on the last episode, and he had a Jamacian Cajun accent. WTF?

Gotta keep the NIGGERS happy. Every show, every movie, top officials of government agencies are NIGGERS. Judges are NIGGERS. Presidents are NIGGERS. Police chiefs are NIGGERS. That is the Jew lovefest for the NIGGER.
Not yet.

The X-Men consist of Wolverine, Beast, Cyclops, Storm, Shadowkat, Iceman, Emma Frost. Rogue was one, but went to the darkside and joined the Brotherhood. Nightcrawler and Angel or sorta members. Jean Gray is missing and Prof. X is in a coma.

who gives a shit?
Oh noes...you mean I posted something Luci doesn't care about? Whatever will I do now? I don't think I can go on.
Oh noes...you mean I posted something Luci doesn't care about? Whatever will I do now? I don't think I can go on.

A gift, for you, from me. Enjoy it.


Good luck on that diet.