Wordforge receptive to gating the community


New member
It started with this:

Tex said:
As of right now 9 of the 43 threads on the first page are Starguard's, 4 are Zodiac's, and 1 is Baba's. That means over 33% of the threads on the first page are garbage.

Can we limit the number of new threads Starguard can start per day? The thing is, not ALL of his threads are bad, just most of them. So if he could only start 3 per day maybe that would put the filter on all the bullshit and allow him to be a useful poster. Barring this I think I may have to click on Ramen's best link ever.

While this would be an unprecedented move I believe it would go a long way toward saving this board. It's sort of like us having a rule that allows us to ban new posters who just show that they are here for no other purpose but to troll.

Notable posts:

Tamar Garish said:
Zodiac said:
Tamar Garish said:
Might be an effective solution.

How do you feel about it as a precedent?
You're entertaining this idea? It'd be a train wreck.

I'll entertain anything I like. It's Lanzman's call, but I see no good reason not to hear out ideas and the reasoning for them.

I can see your concern as you may end up on the receiving end though if this one was implemented.

Oh, and TK does talk about WF all the time that way. I believe the preferred term is "Turdforge" there.

Nocturne of Vladimir Jizz said:
If it really comes down to it, we could always take a vote on people who support and people who oppose.

I know WF has hundreds of members, but we all know of the most prominent and loyal ones, so we add them up.

Either that, or just leave the vote open for one month. That'll ensure quite a few posters have the opportunity to get their say in as far as a green light or red light.

Do it democratically, so Zodiac can't bitch if he's booted from the board he seems to carry little respect for, anyway.

Elwood said:
Tex said:
That means over 33% of the threads on the first page are garbage.

I've seen it get as high as 58% on slow days.

But, it's all a not-so-clever troll. Clever use of the board's search utility will show that he starts the same dumb shit threads at the same time every year. One of the threads he started yesterday is an exact word-for-word duplicate of a thread he started in 2007.

The best thing to do is ignore him and his threads. I'd also say to start ignoring the people that post in his threads, encouraging him. Stopping by to comment that it's a dumb shit thread is pointless. He doesn't care. He knows it's a dumb shit thread, you know it's a dumb shit thread, and the whole world knows it's a dumb shit thread. We don't need you to remind us. We need you to let it die.

Every thread is going to automatically have one view, from the thread creator. I'd like to see every Starguard and Baba thread drop off the page with zero posts and one view. Until that happens, he's never going to stop. It's how he gets his jollies.


Will it happen? I don't know. But there is less resistance to the idea than I expected, which is why it piques my interest.

I've always thought WFers were simply jaded when it came to mischief but that isn't the case - they already exist in a sort of gated community. Over-reliance on dog-piling people, spamming threads, playing with rep buttons, having a horde of like-minded zombies to back you up etc, has simply made many of them soft. Hell, TK has had Starguard for years and he's never had as much attention as he got in that thread.

Also note how interchangeably Wordforge is used in place of Red Room and vice versa.

I don't think Lanzman will go for it, so could a civil war really be far off? I hope not! More as the story unfolds.
It's a fight between the people who believe Wordforge should be basically a personal playground for them and their group of friends ("Eliteforge") and the people who still believe Wordforge is a free speech board.

i don't care either way, though. Not since I fucked up my BIG CHANCE at winning the WF Diplomacy game this year. :cry:
Now is the time for a Reichstag fire. Eliteforge will have to mobilize all of its reserves and convert as many Free Speechers (Free-er Rebels?) as possible before the plebiscite and grand 1,000 post discussion thread. I would suggest slightly moving the 'no-spamming' line to include posts made by the undesirables.

They have an uphill battle because Lanzman seems like someone who appreciates free speech (They need to start painting this as 'Free Spamming'), and the good guys are always more popular. However, their de facto control over the Red Room is a huge plus. If they want to seize full control they need to rally WF against the common threat.

It's all quite thrilling.
The fact that he's actually able to TROLL THE FUCK OUT OF WORD MERGE with his bullshit just proves the point,

Tamar you know I like you, but this petty picayune bullshit is just that. Why don't you guys fucking relax?
Yeah, because we ran right out and did it, didn't we? :rolleyes:

It hurts nothing to hear out the posters and if the majority agree on something, then clearly it is something we need to take a closer look at.

I see no reason to shut people up, particularly in the Red Room. :shrug:
Ah, but that's what it's all about, isn't it?

And that Clyde character didn't seem to agree when I proposed a vote. You should talk to him before Eliteforge breaks his kneecaps.
Yeah, because we ran right out and did it, didn't we? :rolleyes:

It hurts nothing to hear out the posters and if the majority agree on something, then clearly it is something we need to take a closer look at.

I see no reason to shut people up, particularly in the Red Room. :shrug:

Ah yes, the Red Room. Brings back memories. I PWNed the entire site with that 'room' as a weapon. I posted clearly within the TOS, in a room where purportedly 'everything goes', yet I was banned from posting there. 'Freedom of speech', is an evil term to WordFuck. Why, I recall PWNing YOUR very ass there, to the point the others were AGAINST you for interfering with my right to freedom of speech. Still smarting from that time, I should bet. That was the easiest piece of PWNage I have ever performed. I forced all of your members to shout you down.
Yeah, because we ran right out and did it, didn't we? :rolleyes:

It hurts nothing to hear out the posters and if the majority agree on something, then clearly it is something we need to take a closer look at.

I see no reason to shut people up, particularly in the Red Room. :shrug:

Oh, sweetie, I was wondering. Did you contact my ISP again to complain about me? *ROTFLMAO*
I PWNed the entire site with that 'room' as a weapon. I posted clearly within the TOS, in a room where purportedly 'everything goes', yet I was banned from posting there.
Wordforge bans people who troll without prior contribution. You can argue it's a weaksauce measure but they always reserved that right.
Like I've said at Wordforge, I'm not going to ban people just cuz they're unpopular with the cool kids. I start down that road and before you know it there won't be anyone left but me and Baba.

And Packard.
It's a fight between the people who believe Wordforge should be basically a personal playground for them and their group of friends ("Eliteforge") and the people who still believe Wordforge is a free speech board.

i don't care either way, though. Not since I fucked up my BIG CHANCE at winning the WF Diplomacy game this year. :cry:

Don't worry, the triple-Empire of Osterreich, Magyarorszag, and the Russias (that's right, I own you) will swat down the Italian and British upstarts and bring peace to Europe. ;)