
Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Man I'd crouchpound the hell outta this babe :eek:



beer, I want beer
Man I'd crouchpound the hell outta this babe :eek:


Only the genetically inferior seek out the female members of an inferior race. I can see why you opt for her ilk. You are aware of your failed station, thus you are of the belief, nay, the knowledge that you cannot do any better. White males who chase down the inferior females of the inferior races are themselves inferior. You must be fugly, stupid and fatter than even LakerGirl. I wish I could sympathise, but I am too far beyond you to give a shit. Fate has dealt you a bad hand. You know it, and this is your way of dealing with it.


on a break from forums
sorry, not really into asians. I really like a nice Southern Italian woman!!! Black curly hair and olive skin. Beautiful!!!


beer, I want beer
For a supposed Nazi the fact that the Japs were their allies seems to have escaped him.

Ah yes, don't forget that Jew money paid for the Nazi war machine, yes? You were saying...? Fucking moron. It's called 'a means to an end'. Goddamn but the sheer stupidity of Americans is utterly staggering!


beer, I want beer
sorry, not really into asians. I really like a nice Southern Italian woman!!! Black curly hair and olive skin. Beautiful!!!

You do know why wop women have said black curly hair and olive skin yes? Think cupcakeER. That's right. Wop bitches have the inferior cupcakeER blood flowing through their veins. Only the PUREST of Italian blood may reside in my veins, with not a drop of monkey in it.


beer, I want beer
Why would you want to hit her? I think she's hot.

Why would any White male NOT wish to hit her? For one, she is clearly an INFERIOR. For another, she's FUGLY, as is the entire CHINK race. With the fugly slanted eyes, sloped forehead, flat faces, yellow skin. Ewwwww. I would hit her alright, with my fist into her kisser.