Troll Kingdom

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Would you kill every other peson on the planet if you had the chance?


I want to smell dark matter
If you could just make everyone else disappear and stop their endless talking and standing too close to you with a single thought (a robot would take care of you after or something) would you do it?

I would not kill all the people on the planet. I dont think I'd even kill the ones I dont like.
I'd prolly just put them on an island with Celine Dion and that Beiber (sp?) kid.
And that massively creepy jerk from the gym. Wait, maybe he'd have an unfortunate accident with a barbell on his head?
Well maybe they don't die, maybe they just go to another universe or some shit leaving you alone with your robot, your collection of female celebrity images (maybe you get new ones from the new universe I don't know) and a whole planet to wank in.
I would in an instant, however there are maybe two that I still like and I would miss those two. I would be unwilling to lose them just to be rid of the rest. YOU ARE ALL BEING SPARED DUE TO MY FONDNESS FOR TWO OF YOUR KIND. BE GRATEFUL!
Maybe for a week (in the "whisking them away to another dimension" version), but then I'd miss so and so, or whatshisname or maybe even thingybob. I'd probably spend most of my time catching up on sleep, to be honest.
Can we just get rid of everyone who isn't an MFer? AND can we have a peep hole into the other universe so we can peep at them sometimes, WHEN THEY'RE NAKED?
Can we just get rid of everyone who isn't an MFer? AND can we have a peep hole into the other universe so we can peep at them sometimes, WHEN THEY'RE NAKED?

Somewhere, in an alternate reality, Gozer is shouting "SUBCREATURES! GOZER THE GOZERIAN, GOZER THE DESTRUCTOR, VOLGUUS ZILDROHAR, THE TRAVELLER HAS COME. CHOOSE AND PERISH!" at you right now. Whatever you do, don't think of The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Somebody did that once before, and it got real messy, real quick.
I'd kill everybody except my high school classmates, my friends from college, and people I talk to on the message boards.
Wait now! Isnt it supposed to be choose OR perish?! I'm not feeling alot of choices here!
