Would you sell a woman's soul to demons to help the world?


New member
So I was reading on Wikipedia and chose to read up on something I had long abandoned: Comics.

Dr. Doom was one funky supervillain. You'll probably scroll down and reply with 'yes, I did scroll down' (S A R E K)

Either way it is a good read. This was an age where people put thought into their villains.


In 2003, Doom realized he was unnecessarily limiting himself by focusing on technology, and only occasionally his magical birthright. He sold his childhood sweetheart's soul to a trio of demons in exchange for unlimited magical ability and new leather armour made of her skin. As a direct result of this storyline, Doom was confined to Hell, but later recovered by Reed, who intended to trap him in a small Moebius strip dimension forever. To effect his escape, Doom's consciousness possessed Ben Grimm, forcing Richards to kill them both. Ben Grimm was later brought back from the dead, but Doom remained trapped in Hell.

Let's say that you were offered to torture 10 women and children in exchange for some gift of say, unlimited money (Unbenknowest to the rest of the world) or superpowers which you would with say, fly to Beijing and snap the necks of Communist scum while repelling bullets and tank rounds.

You would have to live with the guilt of those people and your soul would burn in hell forever (Hell exists in this thought experiment).

Would you do it?
Wow, they Punisher movie (2004) grossed $115 million.

I guess that's why they are comming out with a part 2.