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New member
This wisdom tooth pain is so incredible.

It has its own 'weight.'

I've known of some physical pain. But teeth?

Is it safe?
Yours are coming in? If they're impacted at all have them out ASAP.
jack said:
Yours are coming in? If they're impacted at all have them out ASAP.
Mine came in long ago, which was unusual for a person of my relatively young age.

My enamel is pretty thin. I was supposed to have the teeth pulled from my jaw months ago, maybe 2 weeks after I had the ones one my left side pulled.
Sodium pentathol is awesome as an anaesthetic, actually. Like falling into thick foam.
Poor M. I completely understand the pain of wisdom teeth. I remember the pain of my wisdom teeth coming in ... or should I say trying to come in and failing miserably. Had to have all four extracted at once by an oral surgeon because of the "unique" way wisdom teeth have of not emerging the way they should. Not something I'd care to experience again, thank you very much.

However, having this last root canal performed was much, much worse. I have a zombie tooth now. It's supposed to be a dead tooth - and yet the pain continues to rear it's miserable head. Aren't teeth fun?!