Troll Kingdom

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beer, I want beer
What did I tell you people? He is roaming all over TROLL KINGDOM abusing his newfound power just as I said he would. Who is the smarter? All of you COMBINED or I? MESSENGER's actions would point to the latter. I OWN you all and you know it. What is incredible would be the fact I did it from HERE. I AM THE ONE TRUE GOD!
Well I have to agree with SaintLucifer, he seems to be right about Messenger (Coward). Some people are just to inept to be trusted with any power. Now go ahead Messenger, feel free to spam away. You will be allowed to get away with it.
bad dog said:
Not new found power at all, just a nut.

I see MESSENGER was busy moving threads. To what end I have no idea. Perhaps this was his way of displaying his 'power'? This modern-day Hitler should follow the example as set by his predecessor - shoot his own fucking brains out.
He won't have to shoot his brains out, I think there are people who have been watching this board that will do it for him.


If you ever want to get someone's attention Lucy.............hit them in the pocketbook. Not that Mess, TQ, Tamar, Eric, Brian or any of the other playahs have much of a purse.

The people who have no money, will pay with time.
FederalAgent007 said:
He won't have to shoot his brains out, I think there are people who have been watching this board that will do it for him.

You better tell me what you mean by that.
uuuhhhh.............I don't know!!! all these guys have illegal weapons that they talk about the whole time I have been here (especially missmanners), they are always threatening to use them on each other (and me), I can only imagine them taking it into real life.

They have taken a lot of other stuff into real life.
Ultros said:
You better tell me what you mean by that.

Here is what I mean Ultros..............if you go back and look at some of the archived will see what I mean. You will see all the weapons talk, pics of weapons, threats (if a troll board threat means anything) talk of bang-bang shoot-em-up stuff. I went to the authorities about this over a year ago and nobody would do anything about it. When they started threatening me...........I take threats seriously even when they are on a troll message board........I got so desperate I went to GoDaddy.......the host server and axed their legal dept to do something about it.
It's the name of this board.............that is why nobody would listen to me!! When I actually got to sit face-to-face with a detective and explain to him what was going on and he seemed to be listening...........

he axed........."What is the name of the website?"

and I said....."TrollKingdom"

he just looked at me like he was going to start laughing.

I quit saying the name to people and would only p
...........and would only hand them the registration information on a sheet of paper.

That was bad enough. The name of this board destroyed any credibility I otherwise had.
especially when I told them there was an investigation going on over here and there was a lot of talk about shoot-em-up illegal weapons.

You should see the pics missmanners posted of her "trinkets".


I am NO fan of weapons. Legal or illegal.