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WTF?? Suspended from Ex/Isle??

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Man, these guys know how to take things too far. I happen to share an IP address with Darthsikle. I thought I was a good contributing poster at EI, I always followed the rules (hard though it was sometimes). Now I'm permabanned because we share an IP.

Lovely. No wonder I stick to TK.
They banned me too. First time I've been banned from anywhere, just because I chose to play around with proxies for a couple of days.

sorry man.


How can you also ban BDM? TrekBBS did this before, they banned BDM (then known as T'Pol'sboytoy) because of me, but even then, lisa understood and changed it.

you could be next. It seems they made this shit up about Jack because LOP was caught stealth editing his post. I guess they figured they could make up this wierd reason and ban him before he had a chance to tell the members at large.
DarthSikle said:

you could be next. It seems they made this shit up about Jack because LOP was caught stealth editing his post. I guess they figured they could make up this wierd reason and ban him before he had a chance to tell the members at large.

OK, I have to take exception to blaming LoP. LoP is really one of the best people I know. If he says he did [or didn't do] something, then it's the truth. I don't trust the rest of them much, but LoP I do trust.

That said, these bannings are getting out of hand, and the paranoia of the Staff over TK members sneaking back in, is the best laugh I've had in months about that place.

We've actually driven them crazy without even trying.

I guess TK can say it owns EI now.
Lover of Purple said:
I had no hand in the IP ban on BDM. I wasn't even online. I just found out when I came online today.

Well for the record, BDM and DS are two different people and yes they share the same IP. See, this is what paranoia will get you.. innocent people banned as well.

Terran used to ban AOL users all the time in an effort to ban Daystrom all the time. That sucked just as much as this sucks LoP.

Do you really think that banning an IP and the possible user behind it is more important than letting another user have access? What the hell is happening over there? Is this really the way you guys want it to be? Banning people before they ever even do anything wrong? Do I have to remind you what that reminds me of?
Lover of Purple said:
I had no hand in the IP ban on BDM. I wasn't even online. I just found out when I came online today.

So what about me then? I've never done EI any harm, and you know that.
Lover of Purple said:
I wasn't even involved. I'm sorry, I like both BDM and Gagh.

Brings me little comfort. It isn't like I can go there and defend myself now, is it?

This paranoia has to stop. How many more of us will you shitcan for no reason?
DarthSikle said:
I can read between the lines, that means he doesn't like me or Jack.


No it means he wasn't involved. Read between the lines of that. It means he is probably one of the few staff against these bans.
Lover of Purple said:
Wrong, Darth. I do like you. Jack I haven't interacted enough with yet.

awww, I like you too. That's why I harrass ya a little sonetimes. Plus you can take it and grin. There is another person at EI that I will not name that seriously had a problem with us at TK and we all backed off that member.