Troll Kingdom

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The attraction of the avatar is fleeting as I may recognize this in myself. The power of a prettier avatar causes one to be ignored and not read. The plainer avatar causes one to stop and look but the poster to feel empty inside as the needs and wants are all about instant and immediate gratification. I feel the need for redundancy and misspellings for that is what I miss. This is not to be messed with however one is compelled to just for the reaction and we all know what we are talking about now don't we? yes we do. Very good students. For we are all the students now aren't we? Of course we are. The teacher exists amongst us, every single day. Our choice is the one we make when we open our eyes, wether we chose or not to see what there is to see. Put on a new pair of glasses and read what is being said. Is the word spoken? Then let not a single one of you profess to know the truth. One will come in Sheeps clothing, and it will look ok, but the one true light has spoken and there is only one Prophet. One. One who can make that judgement. I really need a fucking smoke right about now and they are all hidden, gone and I have torn my body up and not used it to forward myself in this moment or the next. I need to train my body and mind to blahblahblah Ihave such concern foryou little princess you are mine, you are my love what shall I do with you? shall I paint a picture of roses in a bed far far away in a kingdom full of rats and muck.