Yeah - I got an A


Forever Empress E
Yeah - I got an A in Real Estate Law. As some of you know, I was having a tough time with this class so I'm especially glad I passed. Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!

Only four more classes and I'm done with this program. Maybe I'll be done in 2006!


Forever Empress E
Banjo said:
Blowing the professor works every time.
Ah, how sweet. Thanks for going to the mat for me!


Forever Empress E
Cool. I think my next class starts in January - Civil Lit. Will you blow that professor for me too?


New Member
Just drop that one. You don't want to spend years of your life indexing documents in a dusty mini storage for some bi-polar S.A. trying to make partner. Trust me.


Forever Empress E
I'm spending my last years as an employee working for lawyers already. Otherwise, I wouldn't be taking these classes. They pay, I go, a wise person doesn't turn down free education.


New Member
God, you mean the time spent in school, I could have passed if I had given a blow job to certain pricks, I mean teachers??? Well shit,, To late now!!


New Member
Banjo you have the most reliable advice, you should start a dear abby forum here.


New Member
That is a very good idea. Banjo's College of Knowledge would be an excellent forum to add here.


New Member
Sweet. I like the title Banjo


Forever Empress E
It reminds me of a movie about inbreds in the back woods.


Forever Empress E
Thanks! Have to wait on the big boss to know when I'll go back again - maybe in January.


New Member
Banjo said:
It is also very practical experience for most jobs, as well

Yikes, as much as I may like my bosses, a blow job is so out of the question..
Again, I would rather blow my husband..


addle barn
congratulations (again) Eloisel :)