Yeti's Existence Confirmed!


Well - 95% confirmed by a dubious Russian source quoted on the equally dubious Channel 4 News!

Russians have 'indisputable proof' that yeti exists - Channel 4 News

Siberian officials have proclaimed they are 95 per cent certain that the yeti - the fabled ape-like creature said to inhabit the Himalayan region - actually exists.

A statement on Kemerovo region website, in southern Siberia, says an expedition to the Shoria mountains found "indisputable proof" that the region is home to the so-called "abominable snowman".

"They found his footprints, his supposed, bed, and various markers with which the yeti marks his territory," the Kemerovo region administration said in a press release.

The discoveries follow a conference organised in Tashtagol last week by Kemerovo's governor and attended by yeti enthusiasts from Russia, the United States, Canada and Sweden.

In the light of the latest findings, Kemerovo may "create a special research centre to study the yeti", the statement added.

But William Hill appear confident they will not have to pay out on confirmation of the yeti's existence in the near future.

The bookmakers are prepared to offer odds of 100-1 that conclusive proof of the current existence of the yeti will be authenticated by the Natural History Museum on or before 31 December 2012.

"Interest in the yeti market has reached an all-time high," said William Hill spokesman Rupert Adams, "but we have not seen anything yet that has got us too worried."
They're looking in the wrong places, of course. If they come to Portsmouth on a Friday night, they'll see literally hundreds of Yetis leaving nightclubs in the small hours of the following morning.

Some them grunt and gesticulate with such articulation, you'd have though they had learned civilization & language.
I swear this happens every time I try to get away from it all. You people never heard of a "bad hair day?" Jeeezus...
"The church claims that true SubGenii are not actually human but descendants of the Yeti. According to Revelation X: The 'Bob' Apocryphon (published in 1994), SubGenii are actually the mutant offspring of a forbidden sexual union that took place millions of years ago between a resident of Atlantis and a human; at that time, humans were little more than a slave race. The resulting offspring was the catalyst that led to the fall of Atlantis. SubGenii often refer to one another as "Yeti" (or yetinsyny), though this origin story is generally not well known outside of the church itself. (The term yetinsyny was appropriated from the artist Stanisław Szukalski, whose Behold! the Protong posited that Communists and other people Szukalski disliked were descendant from such unions.)"
Y'know what I REALLY loved about Sub-Genius?

Jay Kinney and Paul Mavrides.

then Mark Mothersbaugh.
In the light of the latest findings, Kemerovo may "create a special research centre to study the yeti", the statement added.

It is just a marketing ploy.

The discoveries follow a conference organised in Tashtagol last week by Kemerovo's governor and attended by yeti enthusiasts from Russia, the United States, Canada and Sweden.

Do you think the same people that study yeti, also study bigfoot? Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization
ive been reading up on these things known as nephilim & apparently, the 'giants' got banished to some little village reserved for them somewhere near the Himalayas.
What dimension this village exists was not clear in the shit i was reading, but fanciful stories fosho