You could have an ordinary life, but you feel like you are destined for more


Boobie inspector
Sooner or late you have to admit to yourself, that you aren't destined for more.

I'm not going to be a writer that will outsell Steven King.
I'm not going to be a film star, whose charisma wows the chat shows.
I'm not going to shag Heather Graham.
I'm not going to feel the tits of anyone I work with.
I'm not going to see the earth from orbit, or set foot on another planet.
I'll never pick up a gun that's not made of plastic.
I'll never be a millionaire, or even buy a car that someone else didn't own before me.

I'm a husband, and a father, and not very good at either, but life doesn't have to be exciting, we cant all be heroes, sometimes all life is, is staying alive, and sometimes that's enough.

I started with a star trek line, and I will end with another.

Live long and prosper, you have been, and always shall be my friend.

PS, if you haven't guessed by now I am drunk.


Is this real life?
I'm glad it was "P.S. I'm drunk" because it sounded like it was going to end with "P.S. I'm leaving forever".

Yeah, it's true, we can't all bone Heather Graham, but hey, she's probably getting on a bit now anyway. I don't think I've seen her in anything since Lost in Space and I was still in high school when that came out.

Nothing wrong with having ambitions, though.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't have a soul.


Boobie inspector
Heather is 40 I checked, so technically she is getting on a bit, but then so am I, so its all good.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
She was in The Hangover.


Boobie inspector
Still not seen it, but now I have another excuse to get the DVD.


I have one thing to say: BULLSHIT.

If I'm learning anything lately is that the only thing stopping you is you. Now granted, it's improbable you'll get your end into Heather Graham, but many of those things are accomplish able. Ok maybe two or three, and one of those would probably get you in hot water at work. The point is settling for the daily grind is what makes you a peon. On the other hand if you want to, you can attempt to carve out something better. It's what I've got planned. I'm not after riches and fame, but I'm also not going to go back to being a wageslave.


Boobie inspector
I had amition at one time, but there is a lot less time ahead of me than there is behind me, and if I was going to do all those things, I would have done them already.

Mine is not a bad life, but its rarely exciting.


I agree with yub, apathetic existence is unacceptable.

Plenty of pple would kill to have a wife/children/'the standard life'.
Your experience of life is what you make of it, humans are essentially creative.


Elder Statesman
Ruts are easy to get into.

As sappy as this sounds, it is often your friends who will push you to DO things, although you've got to say "yes" to it.

Just my two cents.

P.S. if I were to catalog my life, many of you wouldn't believe it. But I've got a LOT of stories to tell, and many more to experience.


Pinata Whacker
I hear you, universe. I will get off my arse this year and find a job, apartment, lover. I WILL NOT SETTLE FOR AN UNAMBITIOUS, APATHETIC LIFE!

Eh....fuck it....*hits the snooze button, rolls over and goes back to sleep*


I have one thing to say: BULLSHIT.

If I'm learning anything lately is that the only thing stopping you is you. Now granted, it's improbable you'll get your end into Heather Graham, but many of those things are accomplish able. Ok maybe two or three, and one of those would probably get you in hot water at work. The point is settling for the daily grind is what makes you a peon. On the other hand if you want to, you can attempt to carve out something better. It's what I've got planned. I'm not after riches and fame, but I'm also not going to go back to being a wageslave.

What if I asked Heather Graham nicely?


Boobie inspector
I think I was just feeling a bit down after two weeks off and knowing I was going to be back at work today, still I asked for excitement and within an hour of getting to work the storeroom flooded, I found out I had a dentist appointment I knew nothing about, and there was an ops meeting I didnt know about too.

Mind you none of those actually turned out to be exciting, just damp, boring and painful.


Can I have Ops?
Your experience of life is what you make of it, humans are essentially creative.

Thank you sun we are essentially creative individuals that should inspire and amuse those around us. This is in the vain hope that others around us do their bit to amuse and inspire us. The mine field works like this and most social groups do too.

This is a depressing day, I felt it too. Thankfully there were enough people near me who amused me. I hope whisky finds amusement or inspiration nearby too.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
If not we can always find amusement in our PANTS.


Thank you sun we are essentially creative individuals that should inspire and amuse those around us. This is in the vain hope that others around us do their bit to amuse and inspire us. The mine field works like this and most social groups do too.

This is a depressing day, I felt it too. Thankfully there were enough people near me who amused me. I hope whisky finds amusement or inspiration nearby too.

Your welcome; tho I dont know y anyone would waste energy on others, when they can spend it on tharselves...