You Lying Nigger!

Starship Coyote

Original Gangster!,2933,190695,00.html

Slightly old news, but getting out of hand.

Outgoing U.S. Capitol Police Chief Terrence Gainer says he thinks prosecutors should bring assault charges against Democratic Rep. Cynthia McKinney after an incident last week in which police and witnesses say McKinney struck an officer.
Gainer told FOX News on Wednesday that he doesn't think the police officer's decision to stop the congresswoman, who was bypassing a metal detector while entering Longworth House Office Building, was an incident of racial profiling as McKinney claims.
The officer "didn't see the woman wear the badge that she should have had on, and called out to her, didn't recognize her facially, called out to her, she breezed passed, called out again and reached out and grabbed her hand, her arm. When she came around she hit the officer in the chest," Gainer alleged. All congressional members are given a lapel pin that identifies them as an elected representative.

If this isn't a troublemaking nigger, then I don't know what is...
She apparently has a long history of screaming racial discrimination and thinking she's above normal operating proceedures due to her race and position.

Really nothing new with her.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney apologized on the House floor Thursday for a confrontation with a Capitol Police officer last week.

"There should not have been any physical contact in this incident," McKinney said.

"I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened at all, and I regret its escalation and I apologize," she said surrounded by colleagues on the House floor.

She said she would vote for a resolution expressing support for the efforts of Capitol Police.

McKinney's apology came as a District of Columbia grand jury was to begin hearing testimony Thursday related to the confrontation, sources said Wednesday.

Faced with a Grand Jury investigation, the bitch now rolls over and wallows in humiliation. Guess her past finally caught up with her.
A NIGGER that does not lie? OMMFG!! It is a fucking MIRACLE!! It has finally happened!! Onto this world came to be a fucking NIGGER who does not lie! Oh wait. That was sarcasm. Damn and you had me all excited that perhaps there was hope for the inferior species. Fuck you.