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You might be an anti-semite


New member

if you think it's wrong for a Israel to pick fights and then get other countries to do the fighting.

if you don't like that Israel pays US politicians millions of dollars in PAC money in order to influence those politician's decisions and votes regarding Israel.

if you think it's wrong for US politicians to take that PAC money and as a result, make decisions beneficial to Israel and detrimental to the US voters who elected those politicians.

if you're tired of hearing the exaggerations and in some cases outright lies about events that happened 60+ years ago before you were even born, (let alone had anything to do with) in an attempt to invoke pity and guilt.

if you disagree with sending Israel billions of dollars in cash and weapons while some of our own veterans, women and children eat out of dumpsters and sleep in the streets.

if you don't understand how Israel gets away with defying many, many UN resolutions regarding Israel's treatment of the Palestinians with no consequences.

if you think Israel possessing nuclear weapons stamped 'Made in the USA'
is a violation of the UN non-proliferation treaty. (thanx Kevin)

if you don't like the implications of the flag above.

OK- I know that by saying anything even slightly anti-Israel will result in being labeled anti-semite. Whatever. Bring it on. For the record, I have nothing against Israel as a country or the Jewish people. By the same token, I love America but I do have a problem with white supremacists and rabid Christian fundamentalists (often one in the same) and the things our government does in the name of the people. Do a Google search for *anti Israeli Jews* and you'll see there's no shortage of Jews that aren't happy about the actions and policies of their government either. Like the US, Israel's rulers pursue their criminal, greedy, murderous agendas rather than the will of the majority of their people while trying to convince their critics (the rest of the world) that what they are doing is the will of their people. It's wrong to paint all people of Jewish descent (or any other country or race) with the same broad brush. Regardless of how the US government/media propoganda machine villainizes the enemy du jour, the majority of every country and race is comprised of people who want to live their lives in peace and reach their natural life expectancy. At the same time, every country, including (especially?) the US and Israel has their share of psychotic ex-schoolyard bullies who unfortunately rose to positions of power.

If you ever utter an anti-Israel word and find youself being labeled an anti-semite, first of all, make sure any anti-Israeli thoughts you may have are directed at the individuals responsible for your attitude and not at the country or Jewish people as a whole. That's called bigotry. If you're straight on that and your comments are directed at those responsible, kindly explain to your accuser the reasons for your words. If they're unwilling to listen, tell them to fuck off. They aren't listening anyway.
Even labelling you an anti Zionist would not be strictly true, unless you don't agree to the Jews having a homeland of some description?
Zionism is a political movement, not a people. There's nothing more immoral about being anti-Zionist than there is in being anti-Communist or anti-Nazi.
If your father walks you to school because you're in the same grade, you might just be a redneck. Oh, wrong thread. Never mind.
If you have a family "Who's Got The Hairiest Back" contest... and your grandma wins: You might be a redneck.

An Italian redneck.